Let's put it this way, Slim:
Say you run a huge multi million dollar corp. and everything is going great. The money is rolling in, your sales force is stoked and the reports are looking up. Then, you begin noticing suddenly everything is going south. The money is drying up and you're losing some of your brightest and best salesmen. You try new techniques and spice up your sales pitches and encourage your people to stay focused and work harder. But, it's not working! Everything is still going south and not only that, it's going south at a fever pitch!
Then you hear that the reason so many of your people are leaving your org. is explained on a couple of forums on the internet. The people that jumped ship are telling all about what happened and why they can no longer work for your corporation. They are actually encouraging others to leave and discouraging any would-be new ones to think long and hard about working for such an organization. The information is out there for all the world to see.
You have to be a complete moron not to log on and find out what is hurting your company! Either that, or just plain BAD MANAGEMENT. Any manager worth his salt would get with the program and find out what the leaks are and what strategy is going to be best to use to cover up or contain them.
What method they use and how often they use it and who they use is probably unknowable by us. But if you have a brain at all, you have to know it's being done.