I recently read an article about JW's that, if had the choice, would probably leave because of the deceptions, lies, etc., but don't because of family, friends, prestige, whatever, and instead lead a make-believe life going through the motions of being a loyal and believing follower of the Watchtower organization. Most of those purported to be part of this non-believing/participating, but attending, JW population, are folks that have been associated with the JW's for a number of years, but, as many have, decided that the lies and constant changes (new light) just don't make sense anymore.
I would suspect that identifying those who just "go through the motions" of being a good JW would be difficult. But then again, maybe not, I don't know. Has anyone else heard of this? Is this "underground" (if there is one) prevelant? The Christians of old use to meet in secret places and even had a specialized coded language they used when they conversed with each other. Could this also be happening as well with the "closet JW's", if there are any?
Just curious. Thoughts/comments welcomed. Thanks