Penton's new book on "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich"

by slimboyfat 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    Could you explain what you mean about academic approach???

    I suppose you have not got to the part yet where he claims that Christine King (Vice-Chancellor of Staffordshire University) is just an over-enthusiastic schoolgirl.

    Or the bit where he states that many believe Detlev Garbe has converted to being a Witness!!! Who is he trying to kid!!!

  • gumby

    I read COC, ISOCF, Index of Watchtower Errors (David Reed) Twenty Years a Watchtower Slave, (wasn't impressed) and I figured I didn't need to learn more reasons why this organisation is a destructive cult. Some like to continue to read anti-witness books, but I'm tired of it. I find more pleasure watching dubs roll onto this site and out the doors of the KIngdom Hall for good.

    I've got enough shit on the witnesses to last a lifetime....I don't need anymore................................................cept for brand new smut.......I like that!


  • slimboyfat

    Jehovah's Witnesses might teach nonsense, but the stuff apostates like Penton come away with is just as bad!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Considering you have lied twice on this board

    I don't have the new figures because I don't have the new mag. I just made them up because I thought it would make people take an interest in me...

    Never mind, I made it up again

    As far as I am concerned anything you have to say is meaningless. You are little more than background noise and I am done with you.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Penton's "Apocalypse Delayed" was a masterpiece and great work of schoralship. I am looking forward to reading his book about Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich.

    I was not impressed with many anti-Witness books such as, Visions of Glory or Thirty Years as a Watchtower Slave.

    I cannot imagine that someone could read Crisis of Conscience and not be convinced of the sincerity, humility, complete absense of malice and truthfulness of Ray Franz.

    Slimboyfat, have you read Crisis of Conscience?

  • Uzzah

    So we are just supposed to take your word for it and collectively repudiate (shun) this book? Where is your proof it is crap, so far we have only had your opinion. Where is the proof?

    You are as bad as the Watchtower.

    If this sounds familiar it is only your own words coming back at you.

    The words self-righteous, hypocrite and troll keep coming to mind for some reason

    But hey that's just my 'not so humble opinion of which I have many'.


  • hillary_step

    SlimFatboy is a troll by his own admission. It is just a matter of time before his account is deleted.


  • the_classicist
    Claims that ordinary Witnesses only helped others in case they could make a convert.

    Well I know thats not entirely true. An old Jewish friend of the family told us that her husband, while in a concentration camp saw a JW give up his life (basically tortured to death) to save an elderly Jewish man they were going to kill.

  • jst2laws


    You sound like the proverbial 'clashing cymbal'. All you have done is scream hysterically that Penton's book is bunk but you have not presented a single piece of contrary evidence. If you want a discussion of his book, present your case with your superior documentation. If you just want to slame the author, GROW UP.

    What evidence or reasoning do you have to support your criticism?


  • jwsons

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