I just read the following statement at this URL: http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050219/NEWS10/502190317/0/NEWS13
Mr. Dunn said Jehovah's Witnesses take their gospel message door to door because Jesus commanded his disciples to take the gospel to all the Earth. "One isn't really a Jehovah's Witness unless they are an active door-to-door evangelizer, in obedience to Jesus' command that true Christians will share their beliefs with others," he said.
As a rule that's no doubt true. However, what's a person to do who knows full well that the 1914 doctrine is false? Should he go door-to-door sharing something that is false with people? Apparently, this is a case of the WTS not knowing what they're doing ("they know not what they do"). BTW, a number of years ago I actually had a Circuit Overseer tell me that if I no longer accepted the 1914 bit then I should go preach what I do believe is true. Instead of appreciating the dilemma that's been created for me due to the WTS's mistaken concept, I think his sole intent was to challenge me to go preach, even as he was having to. To this day I still see him as a haughty person. To him, what I now believed was false, so how unreasonable it was for him to suggest that I go peddle a falsehood? Are you listening, Brooklyn? Schizm .