I'd have done what all the other "Christians" did back then: choose sides.
Jesus' message was really quite simple, and heretical: You don't need an organized religious structure ("The day is coming," he told the Samaritan woman, when she wouldn't have to go to some specific place to worship but could worship where she stood). Jesus told his followers they would commune with God through their brotherhood with him and they didn't need the blind scribes and Pharisees to continue to lead them astray and burden them with rules.
That message was not very popular with the established religious order of the day, so they killed him.
The apostles then began to spread the word, men formed into groups, competed for power and position, and offered different "takes" on what JC was all about. The rest is history, and dubs are just one chapter in that long, sorry book.
So, def'd, I hope I'd have followed the guy that made the most sense. You, on the other hand, apparently would have been in the opposite camp, the one where the old Jewish religious system of things was gradually replaced by a carbon copy under a new name.