I'm nearing my 2000th post...

by TresHappy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    So what occurs when this happens? Is the Prize Patrol from PCH going to come to my door and give me a blank check? Will I have an epiphany? Will I get a cookie? Will I receive nice parting gifts? I'm ready to receive my prize package from jwd.

  • Leolaia

    TresJolie: Your treasure shall be in heaven.

  • candidlynuts

    but you gotta die to get it ! LMAO

    congrats! am i getting close to 2000 yet?

  • whyamihere

    Oh you will get a big fat Moony 2!

    Or a nice warm cup of Shut the Hell up. Which ever comes 1st!

    Congrats on your upcoming 2000th post!


  • Dustin

    That's a crazy number of posts. So I guess I'll give you a standing ovation right here in front of my computer. I don't have a web cam so you'll just have to trust I'm doing it.


  • calamityjane

    How about a Valis pinch for your prize.

  • Sassy
    So what occurs when this happens? Is the Prize Patrol from PCH going to come to my door and give me a blank check? Will I have an epiphany? Will I get a cookie? Will I receive nice parting gifts? I'm ready to receive my prize package from jwd.

    come to visit us So Cal friends and we'll let you buy us a drink...

  • pr_capone

    Congrats! It really is quite an accomplishment, I should know, I just did it a few days ago myself!

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • HadEnuf

    I think you get a visit from the C.O.

    congratulations on your fine contributions to this site

    Cathy L.

  • Badger

    You learn the secret to the universe...get 2000, I'll tell you.

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