Another JW divorce!

by Goldminer 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    I know of what you say, about KIDS rushing into marriage. I was one.

    A worldly man told me two things I have never forgotten.

    A marriage made in desperation, seldom lasts. = jw's marrying because their sexual drive is overcoming their non existing common sense. Much of this can be atributed to the teachings and demands of the wbts.

    The other one was, when you go through a divorce, especially if it is forced on you, you will lose your identity.

    That is how you identify yourself. As a husband a bread winner a protector all the things we thought we were, are no longer there.

    A divorce causes tremendous emotional, mental, physical damage. Most of it unnoticed for some time.

    Unless there is a strong necessary need or danger to oneself to stay in the marriage.

    I am watching some of my children going through this and they tell me there are many in their kingdom hall who are divorcing and my step son and his children going through the same pain and frustrations.

    Like F Scot Peck said "life is very difficult"


  • keeshah

    I have seen a lot of divorces too, especially when it's teenagers getting married.

    I remember when I was a child, hearing my mother say over and over again that most JW marriages last tell death. "JW don't get a divorce just because someone squeezed the toothpaste the wrong way!"

    Mother... I don't know of ANYONE that takes marriage so lightly that they will get a divorce over toothpaste. And yeah, it's usually over adultry because JW are VERY sexually repressed. Most JW marriages DON'T last. I think the 75% estimate was very accurate.

    (she's not really going to read that, but I feel better anyway!)

  • JustTickledPink

    Here's my take, if I had to stay married for the rest of my life to the first person I had sex with, I would end up committing suicide. It was dreadful.

    When you're 18 and your horny as hell, that is not the time to be getting married. Recently I heard of a young JW couple that got married, both 18 and he was working at a grocery store bagging groceries, as any 18 yoa kid in high school should be. She was just graduation from high school, anyways, their parents (both elders) gave them some money to get a trailer and now they are trying to figure out how to manage finances, get jobs, be married, etc. It makes NO SENSE at all.

    Anyways, last I heard they've been married a couple years, she was a size 4 petite cute thing, they've already had a baby and someone told me she's put on something like 80 lbs, they are still living in a trailer and he's working 2 jobs trying to figure out how to make ends meet.

    This whole scenario is a recipe for disaster.

  • Goldminer

    I enjoyed all your comments.I was 28 and my wife was 24 when we got married,both past that horny as hell-but I'm mature and not getting married for sex stage.We feel being a little older and a little wiser has helped us a lot.I've often told my wife if I had married the girl who really liked me when I was 18 I would definitely be divorced by now-YES,FOR SURE!!!

    Of the 3 couples we used to associate with here,they are either divorced or getting divorced.Their age at time of marriage were;

    him 19 her 17,him 23 her 18,him 22 her 18

    One sister who got married at 18 said she married her husband because he was the only one who showed any interest in her!My god,like she'd been looking for 8 years or something and only one guy showed interest!If she got married at 18,she probably started courting this guy at her late 16's or early 17's.!!!!!!!

    So yes it is a recipe for disaster;children marrying children.

  • Es

    I agree with monkeyprincess. I am 25 with a son and are divorced.

    My ex hubby and I married at the ripe old age of 19 in the truth. The week after our wedding my ex turned to me and said "oh well I've had sex now I know what its like" From then on our marriage went down hill, I tried to work at it as hard as I could but when there is only one working at it it goes no where. My partner didn't want the responsibilty of went with a marriage he just wanted to experience sex :(


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