How is your congregation doing financially?

by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    If you still go to the meetings - look at the notice board where they have the accounts report.

    Is there a deficit?

    Our cong wanted to build a new hall (they share), but they cannot raise the funds to do this.

    Did your cong pay bills on time, i.e. mortgage, utilities.

  • stillajwexelder

    We rarely have more than about 1000 bucks - so not very well really

  • IP_SEC

    Practically any time we have much surplus a resolution is made to send half to the KH fund and half to the WWW.

    Plus we have standing resolutions to donate a specific amount to the KHfund and WWW, regardless of what goes into the boxes.

    We bees pretty poor cus o that.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    My last cong were quite rich so they did ok financially. It turned out though they were doing better than they thought. The bro that did the accounts was taking a chunk of the cash for himself. He didn't get DF'd though, he just got demoted from MS. That to me is just weird, I mean fraud is a criminal offence and he didn't even get punished really or get reported to the police. Yet people who commit minor things get DF'd and...... Oh boy, don't get me started..

  • heyfea


    when I was going to the KH we used to also make resolutions to send money for a new KH. But I really never knew why WE had to be the ones paying for the hall. Besides, the WT lent the money, and then we had to pay them (with interest) and when the debt it's finally payed, who owns the hall? Do the cong. own it? Or does the WTS own it? If it's the latter one, then I guess they're ripping us off.

    Does any one knows for sure how it works?

  • Mary

    Not sure about the congregation itself but at the Circus Assembly a few weeks ago, they were whining about not having enough cha-ching to pay the bills. In fact, we were something like $3,000 in the hole. We would've been only $2,500 in the hole, but some moron up there decided that the circuit---I mean circus, should donate $500.00 of non-existent funds to the Organization's legal fees "world-wide-preaching work".

    I felt it only right to contribute something, so I put 5 cents in Canadian Tire money into the contribution box as soon as the prayer was over......aren't you impressed?

    (for those non-Canucks who are wondering what the hell Canadian Tire money is, it's "money" that the company prints itself whereby you can save it up and then make bigger purchases at their store. It has absolutely no monetary value outside of their own stores.)

  • Thinking

    I have never seen anything posted about our finances at the hall. Only announcement and the way he reads it I can never tell if we have money or not.
    Because he always says we have a deficit and then he will name off some bills and then what was collected and blah blah blah.......its all very confusing

  • the_classicist

    Only a little over a thousand each month (back when I was in). But they also had a $1,000,000 building fund for the new kindom hall (to be shared w/ about 2-3 others). They never were able to buy a new place so they just renovated the old ones.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The Spanish congregation I attend is doing very well. There a few families that are doing very well for themselves financially as well as spiritually, so I'm sure they make healthy contributions.

    Good, because I'd hate to think they're counting on my contribution to stay afloat. I no longer contribute. I'm sure my husband does, though.


  • wannaexit

    The cong I attend is keeping above water. But there is a lot of old money. The cong is made up of many seniors who generously put in money every week. Once these die off, the situation will be much different.


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