It is funny how some things stick in your mind . This little point about a man supposedly swallowed by a whale, then rescued, stayed with me and I certainly used it in the "Field Ministry" in order to support the Jonah account
g70 5/22 p. 11 The Great Sea Monsters ***Whale
CharacteristicsTeeth or no teeth, all whales bolt their food. Teeth are used to seize food only. The baleen or toothless whales cruise along with their mouths open and live mainly on the brit that clings to their whiskers. Down in the many chambers of the stomach the food undergoes a long period of digestion. In 1891 the English whaleman, James Bartlett, was swallowed by a sperm whale. Later he was cut out of the humid tomb alive and undigested
Not only had they misspelt James Bartley's name, but I now find that the story is a well known urban myth. The most detailed information is from Professor Davis - a detailed read but I think fascinating
At the time of course I believed it because the "Society said so", and that was good enough for me. I fully believed that they would carefully check their resources, just as they always told us to do. Compare this quote from the recent "Benefit from the Ministry School" book
be study 45 p. 242 Illustrations/Examples That Teach ***At times you may find it beneficial to reinforce a point of instruction with a real-life, modern-day experience. When doing this, however, be careful to use only experiences that have been verified