Hi Tigerlily,
I too am going to college. At age 37, I have about 2 years in so far. Now that the Society has softened their view on college somewhat, I see lots of Witnesses going (both young ones and older ones).
I've not had anyone say negative things to me about going (at least not to my face). What disturbs me, though, is that when the Society strongly discouraged JWs from going to college, hardly anyone went. (And those that did were somewhat frowned on. I know personally of a JW family where each child (5 of them) went to college. It was looked down on at the time, and I remember people talking disapprovingly behind their backs. Now, they are all either elders, COs, pioneers, or serving at Bethel. And everyone thinks they're great.)
What's disturbing to me is that, in matters where there are scriptural principles (seek the Kingdom first;avoid worldly thinking), we look to the Society to give us SPECIFIC rules, and then we do what they say. In other words, can we go to college or not? And depending on the answer, we do that.
It makes it look like we are following men, I think.