I understand from the posts that I struck quite a cord.
1st I was A JW in 1967.
2nd I will not reply to any one individual that swears or makes fun or shows a loack of respect for the thoughts of others. I will at times reply to sensable statements. That is why I am relpying at this time to those that made sensable comments.
3rd I have done what many have done quickly read material and not the fine print. As I mentioned in my first post on this the WTS did lean toward not having a transplant but still left it up to the individual.
They put their nose into this matter because they were asked. They gave Blble principles that JWs should consider, but did not say they could not.
For the person that made coments about conscience matters and said everything is a matter of conscience, well it is not. God has laws agianst sex outside the marrage bonds, murder, stealing, etc, as well as religouis laws about what he accepts as acceptable worship. We are free to follow or not follow those laws. Blood is one such law that must be followed. Transplants of organs are grey areas.
For those that did not have a transplant in the 70s that was thier decission to make. just as it is the decision of those now that will not have a transplant.
Yes there are some areas of the WTS I do not see eye to eye with. Still I follow the Bible not the WTS.
Why do I occationally come here? Not to talk to ex witnesses but to put a balacing argument forward to any JW that might be here that is being misslead away from the creator by the reasoning of ex JWs.
I really belive that most ex JWs have some sort of griviece. I have against local elders. Ny grivence is in them not doing the christian thing not with Jehovah. My grivences is with the GB for sepping beyond their bounds. Not with Jehovah
I honestly belive that the basic teachings of JWs is the clossets to the Christian truth that any other religion. I do not look to any man nor an organisation for salvation, but I do beleive that one has to attacht hemselves to the group of people that Jehovah is well pleased with and that we as individuals must work out our own salvation. The WTS serves as a reminder as to what God requires (and at times as to what he is displeased with).
Why do I seem to be backing the WTS? To give a balancing view to the often missinformation spread against them. See my web page homepages.picknowl.com.au/hepburn I have not updated that for a whiule but i am working on it by getting both points of view.