Is he a molester? A nut? A gifted musician???
What's Your Opinion of Michael Jackson?
by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends
He's a nut and a gifted artist. Have no idea about the molester part, and I think it is silly to come to a conclusion unless you are involved in the case or able to attend the hearings.
Fit's the profile of a pedophile to a "t". Grooming behaviors, etc. Mark Sneddon needs to subpeona the GB files on the guy.
wacko comes to mind...
IMHO the guy has no clue as to what a "normal" sexual relationship is (just based on various statements I've heard over the years in the press), which makes him look extremely suspicious to me. Granted, the press is not necessarily the best source for factual information.
My instincts tell me he's not right in the head and that can lead to any number of atrocities (i.e. woman drowns her 5 children as a result of post partumn depression).
I think he is a stinkin' pervert! His biggest mistake though is his stupidity in being set up by someone who was aware of his weakness.
Avishai----THAT is a good point. I'm sure the Watchtower Society has info on him!
New Worldly Translation
Well I'm not going to say whether he's innocent or guilty of being a paedophile but if I was a billionaire kiddy fiddler I'd definitely build a big theme park in my back garden.
Someone posted a "Tool Kit" for pedophiles on another thread here, it really made you wonder about MJ. He is a very talented artist, but something about him just isn't right.