.......or only true belivers?
Does the bible say that there is ONLY one true religion................
by MarkAnthony 10 Replies latest jw friends
From reading the bible it seems to me that the real "church" exists on a much larger plane than we tend to think. We think of individual churches (which one is right?) - whereas the bible clearly teaches that Jesus lives inside of us and not inside of any building.
I think the true religion exists among believers - believers who may attend any number of churches but who sincerely have accepted Jesus as their savior and follow him.
He doesn't need a building - he needs a "body".
Well that is what I believe, but how do you show a JDub that?
Is there anything that speaks to this????? -
What is the difference between a true believer and a plain believer? The very use of the word "true" is deceiving. It implies there is such a thing as a false believer. How can you be a believer, falsely? Only in JW-land. In one swipe of the word, they have dismissed all of Christendom.
Yup, I just checked. No results for "true believer" on http://bible.gospelcom.net .There are lots and lots of hits for plain "believer".
I would tend to agree also with Dawn's comment about it being on a much larger scale. Often we try to make things black and white when their not, Jesus said he would have disciples or followers but not that he would set up the one true organization. I think any person regardless of denomination, even thoese who worship without a church or organziation, as long as their motives and heart are in the right place are acceptable and approved by God. Its due to narrow mindeness, elitesm, and arragonce that one would view themselves in an aloft position to other christians, the very thinking God condems. We are all fellow slaves and their should be no class distinctions, regardless of religion God reads our hearts and no where does God say we are judged by our religious affiliation. Its just another Watchtower distortion that they spin off to their members.
I think any person regardless of denomination, even thoese who worship without a church or organziation, as long as their motives and heart are in the right place are acceptable and approved by God.
so true. think Job.. out of all the israelites at the time, god went outside of his own people and pointed to Job as the real thing. lol
"have to belong to an organization or church to be one of gods people" = "major BS."
Now if ya'all could just take the next logical step and include all humanity, not just Christiantiy, you'd be there!
lol Carmel. That is where my Anglican friend is leading me....
One Lord (Jesus Christ), One Faith (Belief in Jesus Christ), One Baptism (Declaration of your Faith in Jesus Christ Religion is a Snare and a Racket!! (I've heard that somewhere before) Religion is a vehicle for man to make money. You have to have faith in Jesus Christ to be saved it's that simple. The bible doesn't say the word Religion does it.
I think it's in the same place that says Jesus is pro-American, pro-rich, and pro-war. :-)