Watchtower floaters

by Ticker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    I was DF'd as a teenager and was back within a year -- cause my family helped me return. I lasted another 10 years before a counselor I had told me that I did everything to make the JW religion work, but it wasn't working for me. My last time in a KH was the 2003 Memorial. Haven't been back since and have no plans to return.

    But I have seen others DF'd two and three times floating back and forth. I guess maybe they don't know anything else so they keep trying to go back.


  • Ticker

    Good to see you guys are free from the watchtower too. Its nice to know were not alone in how we feel, its good people are finally waking up to the truth about the watchtower. Hopefully more in it will realize what it really is.


  • JustTickledPink

    I think the key is making a life outside the WTS, getting friends, getting a stable job, etc.

    The people I remember floating in and out were always having problems and would go back when things went bad in their lives, then left again, etc... but with some couseling, some friends, and a support network a person can make it without them bastards.

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