
by onacruse 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Awww Craigiepoo is a worrier, I'm not! I'm a planner it keeps me sane I think we balance each other out that way. I'm sure the one thing Craig hears from me almost as much as I love you is stop worrying! LOL.

    Besides he likes to take naps and it's his excuse to take a nap in the middle of the day, which he's doing right now..........


  • bikerchic

    Oh yeah and something I read the other day really struck me about worriers is when you are putting so much effort into worrying you are actually bringing that negative outcome into your life.

    I think I'm going to start worrying about winning the Lottery! Chaaaaching! Now that would make all Craig's problems go away.................not then he would lay awake thinking about all the ways to spend the money.....sigh.


  • Preston
    That damnably frustrating anguish about so many things: the "what ifs," the "could have beens, "the should I have...??"

    I am not in your shoes Ona, however I use to wake up in middle of the night terrified that I was left behind in a way. That while everyone took their lives and made something about I chose to live a solemn life as a solitary separatist. Sometimes you just gotta say F---k It and move on, the longer it got to me the longer I just took it to mean the JW way of life was still taking a hold on me. As far as I was concerned it was high time to leave the mental stranglehold and shove off...

    - Preston

  • Undecided

    I developed the art of putting everything out of my mind when going to sleep. When I was a JW and had a talk or meeting part to prepare, I could go to sleep and put it out of my mind, it was an escape from all the crap I had to do in the congregation. It still works. My wife can't sleep when she is worrying about the children or grandchildren. I go to sleep in just a few minutes after I hit the sack. She didn't go to sleep until 6:00 AM this morning. I just couldn't take that.

    Sometimes I'm just plain lucky.

    Ken P.

  • d

    I agree I feel that way sometimes. I feel that sometimes I have lived a lie but take comfort in the sense that I am a constantly evolving person who does not have all the answers.


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