The thread is not dead until the fat lady sings!
The British NHS........ What is your view?
by ScoobySnax 46 Replies latest jw friends
Will an average-sized Scots guy do?
Little Toe is more clever than me.
Is that your polite way of saying that I'm putting on weight?
Wait till I have words with your Butler!!! -
Ha ha ha, you kack me up! LOL Little Toe my friend.
The US system is in desperate need of an overhaul for sure.
But NO ONE can be turned away or denied treatment if they are in need (Medicaid)- at least not under the current laws. The rich are taken care of as well as the poor- it's the lower middle class that gets sh*t on. They slip through "the cracks". Nobody should lose everything they've worked their whole life for just because they get hurt or sick.
Again, no one focuses on the filthy rich INDIVIDUALS that are making the money at the hurt and sicks expense.
"The rich stay healthy while the sick stay poor"- U2
u/d (of the hard core capitalist in need of some socialism class)
My experience of the NHS has been excellent. I have been lucky with my local GP surgery because in the last ten years, and three different practises, I have never had to wait more than a couple of days for a routine appointment, and have been seen the same day for "urgent" appointments.
I have received the contraceptive pill free of charge for over ten years, along with the routine health checks for using it.
Last year when I was pregnant, and found out at 20 weeks (at the NHS scan I wasn't paying for) that the baby had severe abnormalities, I was attended by a specialist within minutes. Every person who was involved in my care behaved with impeccable professionalism and empathy. When I went in for a termination, I was in a private room ("private" as in just me in it, not as in paid extra for) and my husband stayed with me through the whole time. The room, and the bathroom just across the corridor which I used, were immaculately clean.
This was in the same hospital that Margaret Dixon, who appears to be grossly overweight, no wonder she has heart problems, has turned into a media-political circus because her non-emergency shoulder operation has been cancelled several times (on one occasion because of a serious RTA).
I think I have possibly been fortunate in my experience - than again, my experience wouldn't make news, would it?
I vehemently believe that anyone, irregardless of ability to pay, should have the same access to healthcare that I have. It is the absolute minimum standard of a civilized society, and I would be more than happy to pay more tax to secure it.
Having said that, I don't believe that fertility treatment and cosmetic surgery should be available on the NHS when cancer sufferers aren't getting the medication they need.