Holly was a spook sent by the Illuminati to divulge wherabouts of "who is who" so that when the 3/20 publication (O.M.) arrives, the COs will have a chance to watch how the elders read off the NEW LIGHT called a witch hunt. God forbid if Brother Feeble mentions DA or DF, they'll have him turn in his credentials. Holly was from the troof and is now back with the sheep, may the parties begin.
Anyone ever think that....
by A Paduan 14 Replies latest jw friends
Is that better celia?
No, not much improvement.... what about this one?
No, not much improvement
Yeah, I know, I should go back to the "real"pic of me!
Is that you?
It is possible that, while she initially had some doubts, she got really scared when we implied it wasn't the truth. I saw in all her posts a very strong need to find "the witness." Whatever her history is, she needs to believe the end is near and is scared to death she'll be left out of the "winning" group.
Most of us are not preoccupied with a fear of death (at least not anymore), and many are doubtful such concerns are even merited. She clearly was looking for something that confirmed her beliefs and fears, not a reason to dispell them. While most of us know she could have chosen any of the fundy groups, the JWs got to her first.
Catholicism is easy to pick apart these days. The media allows people to "know too much" to for most to blindly accept their doctrine. It's also far too easy to maintain absolute control of your life and still be a Catholic. For someone lacking the confidence in themselves, that may well be too frightening.
I keep thinking about John Walker Lynde, the kid from No. Cal who had become a militant part of the Taliban. He'd been raised by laid back hippies who exposed him to many of the major religions, and encouraged him to think for himself. Somehow, perhaps because his parents had been so laid back and didn't provide a lot of structure, he openly sought out that structure and a firm set of rules. He said he LIKED being told exactly when to wake up and detailed instructions on how to live his life. He said he liked the firm structure. Twisted little f### also said he liked their view on women. Clearly this kid had major problems with self-confidence. The group made him feel important and powerful, when he otherwise felt impotent.
I've always wondered what would draw a female into Islam. (other than following a man they love) The culture puts women into such a subservient role, but there are women who prefer that.
Holly clearly falls into this needy category. Perhaps she will get exactly what she needs. However if she has kids, I feel very sorry for them, because HER choice is going to impact them and they aren't being given a choice on that.
Is that you?
No, unfortunately, it's not me.... I am at least 30 years older than her and never been as pretty as her ...