Welcome Stealyourface

by kls 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Valis, I like the new avatar, what happened to the nipple thingy? Anyway, what is the guy doing? Looks like he's surfing porn or something on a laptop.

  • Valis
    Looks like he's surfing porn or something on a laptop.

    chimpanzee surfing porn on typewriter is more like it..

  • ballistic
    chimpanzee surfing porn on typewriter is more like it..

    Apparently, a chimpanzee could write the works of Shakespear sat at a keyboard, given enough time, but if I was the chimpanzee, I would sooner find some decent porn.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    There is porn for monkeys now?!?! Gosh, I guess you can find anything on the web. But can a monkey spank the monkey, or do they spank the human, I'm confused?

  • ballistic

    Big Dog, while I joke, my idea was based on a recent scientific study where they teach monkeys how to pay for goods with food, and found they will pay for pictures of horny female monkeys. I'm sure there are links on the BBC web site if you're really interested.

  • Sunspot

    Hello and Welcome, Stealyourface!



  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Monkey stole my face
    Took me down to another place
    Now I?m leader of their race
    I?m a monkey king
    I?m a monkey king
    I?m a tiny little monkey
    I?m a tiny little monkey king

    Ahem, sorry that probably didn't mean anything to anyone. It was the mention stealing faces and monkeys that led me to a mighty boosh moment.

    Welcome to the board! I hope you have fun & frivolity

  • Golf

    Welcome aboard Stealourface.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Gracious! I'm glad ya has no taste for sun bathers!

    Welcome, Stealyourface!


  • fairchild

    Welcome to the board, stealyourface.

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