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by Carlo 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    You're right about SNL, but I say Carlo is Andy Kaufman. Andy lives.

  • Copernicus

    Carlo is a troll, and I'm sure he's getting a real charge out of some of your posts that take him seriously. Here's a link to his "correspondence" page:

    Scroll down to the question entitled "A dutch sister has asked us?"

    It will have you ROTFL! I've actually quoted parts of it myself in letters to those I know still in the borg. Though meant as satire, the reasoning is inescapably valid. I think this guy just loves getting mail from JW's who take him seriously

    And. . . his page must be popular. It shows up early on in every web search I do for Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Yadirf

    Hey Carlo

    After reading what I had to say about you in another thread earlier today, tell me, what do you have to say for yourself you big impostor? You’re not even a JW, much less a CO. The quote below is what I said, as found at the URL immediately below.

    The whole intent of my posting this is to furnish undeniable proof that Carlo is NOT even a JW, apparently ... and posing as a CO at that! I haven't believed a word the guy said, JahH ...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I figure that he's posing as a CO so as to lure unsuspecting JWs onto his site for some weird reason. He's obviously deceitful, because he's using a picture on HIS site, a picture that one can use the URL to for pulling up the Society's publication ... a publication which he falsely claims to condemn being published on the Internet. That picture that produced the URL to the publication is a picure that carries a URL of HIS doings -- proven by the fact that the name "Carlo" (the screen name used by the guy) is even included in the first part of the URL Also, the latter part to the URL (/billeder/idiots.jpg) contains the word "idiots". The picture however is one that depicts JWs ... which makes it all the more obvious that "Carlo" ain't no CO or a JW.
  • zev

    he said in the chat tonight that he drives buses for a living.

    go figure

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • sf

    Ha! Hi Betty!!

    Appreciatively, sKally (ROFLOL klass)

  • Yadirf


    I think the quy is really the poster that used to go by the screen name of "biblexaminer" over on the old H20. He is obviously queer,and IS a queer ... as becomes plain if one only scrutinizes that unique countenance that all queers have in common. See if you don't think so also as you take a gander at his picture again here:

  • Copernicus


    In all due deference to my “queer” friends, I must say that you do have a point here, LOL.

    Be kind now!

  • TR

    Hey Carlo,

    Is that Will Smith at the bottom right of the 'geddon picture?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Prisca

    To zev, Friday and any others that think "Carlo" is for real :

    Haven't you ever heard of tongue-in-cheek humour? The guy is pretending he is a JW, as a joke!! He is showing up how ridiculous JWs and their man-made laws are. Particularly if you read the whole page, you will see the humour in the site. And if you read his replies just a few posts up, you can see how he's pretending to be a self-righteous JW.

    Prisca, who can't believe she has to explain this... [8>]

  • TR

    Hey Prisca,

    SHHH! we're playing along!(whisper whisper)

    Carlo,(ahem)ah yeah, Carlo, Why do you think Jehovah's have the truth?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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