Can a person have his baptism nuliified if he was too young when baptised?

by William Penwell 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I know this was discussed not that long ago on here but can a person have his baptism nullified if he was too young when baptized? The reason I ask is that I have a friend that said he was baptized at 14. I was mentioning that I read somewhere on this and told him I would get back to him. If so, how does one proceed with doing this and is there a sample letter he could use? Also what age is considered as being too young to legally being not able to enter into such an agreement? Any help would be much appreciated.


  • William Penwell
  • PopeOfEruke

    I think that if you stay in the Borg after reaching adulthood then it's treated as binding. You would have to quit on or before your 18th or 21st birthday whatever to have it treated as null and void.

    I'm not 100% sure of this, but there was a thread a while back discussing all the ramifications.


  • Euphemism

    William, I posted in response to your question on JWC as well.

    I think that if you stay in the Borg after reaching adulthood then it's treated as binding. You would have to quit on or before your 18th or 21st birthday whatever to have it treated as null and void.

    That would be true if baptism were legally considered a contract. Unfortunately, it's not. It's purely a theological construct of the Witnesses, which means that it's outside the purview of the American courts. The Witnesses could practice infant baptism if they wanted, and still enforce their rules, and the courts wouldn't stop them.

  • Poztate
    That would be true if baptism were legally considered a contract. Unfortunately, it's not. It's purely a theological construct of the Witnesses,

    Yep...There you have it. Once you are in you are in for LIFE (or death). You might be able to get it nulified if you acted in a day or so after he took the plunge and really put up a stink. A year later forget it and the legal system doesn't want to touch this thing with a 10 20 30 foot pole.

  • dostprefer

    re: Can a person have his baptism nullified if he was too young when baptised?

    What would be the point? Either one wants to be a witness or not. Have you heard of those religious ceremonies where couples call on God to bless their divorce? Or like those who say "we got divorced but now we are the best of friends".

    Is all of this stuff wanting to look good in the eyes of others? A common human failing, who of us can say we never succumbed to it?

    Oh heck, here we go again - better to be straightforward.

  • VM44

    Baptism is between an individual and God, the Son and the Holy Spirit(or Active Force). I do not see where in the Bible it says that the congregation is involved, or central headquaters(the WTBTS).

    Of course, now the Watchtower has rewritten the babtism vows to bring in "Jehovah's Spirit directed Organization."!


  • jeanniebeanz


    What would be the point?

    To remove our good names from having any association with your sick organization, comes to mind.


  • Poztate
    What would be the point? Either one wants to be a witness or not.

    The point is to get in to the WT you in costs you nothing. To get out if you made a mistake costs you your whole life. I will agree with baptism as an ADULT but children are urged into this decision at a very early age. This is CHILD ABUSE and must stop.The WT policies are garbage and in the kindest of ways I suggest that those who agree with such policies have shit for brains. I mean this in a kindly way.

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom


    There is a family that lives in a town in Long Island New York that got a lawyer and had their baptisms annulled. They did this as adults. Send me a PM and I wil get the details and send to you.

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