Congratulations Oh "Supreme One"
JWD has given me....
....lots of bandwidth
by jgnat 34 Replies latest jw friends
Congratulations Oh "Supreme One"
JWD has given me....
....lots of bandwidth
Congrats, Janet!
JWD has given me.... an outlet to aid in the healing process post-Jw. It has moved my healing forward by years in just months. It is not about info to me - it is about relating to and aiding those who suffer thru the insidious mind-warp to get thru the process. Giving is getting and that helps us all get on with life.
Once again - congrats - look forward to the next 5000!!!!
<------ clink.
Yeah Congrats Janet !
YEAH!!! Janet!!!! the supreme one!!!
YEAH, go Janet. You such an asset to this discussion board. Thanks for your wonderful viewpoint.
Janet....Congrats!! Eagerly anticipating another 5,000 sweet, supportive, and informative posts....
Janet, you rule!
Congrats on your 5000 posts Jg / Janet!
Not long ago I started a thread specifically about those who have never been JWs but add an unmeasurable positive addition to this board. (yes I know you saw it and posted). You were specfically the first person that came to mind when I wrote that thread, followed by of course some other dear friends.. I have always found you such an asset on the board, for as much as I can know things from the 'shoe/view point' of being raised a JW, I have no idea what it is like to be someone who never was. And you are a whole step in the middle, because not only do you have the grounded / normal / non JW background, but you have also spent MUCH time around JWs because of your husband. Coming from a marriage where one parent was in/ and one never was, I understands 'some' insite to what you must deal with. I have always appreciated every time some new person came into chat that was dating/falling in love with some dub.. and when you would pop in I would think YEAH Jg is here.. maybe this person will listen/get insite from her! and you always have the wisest of things to say..
The other thing I appreciate is the fact that you are a very positive person.. very supportive..
I never thought about the fact that we might be able to give you something. Help you vent and have someone understand.. I have no idea why I never did that.. but I am sooooo glad that is true.. and I am soooo glad you are here
Congratulations, Janet!
I want to hear it, what has JWD given you?
JWD gave me access to a lot of really cool, intelligent people who thought in ways sometimes congruent, and sometimes totally perpendicular, to my own. It's given me many very cool real-life friends. And it's given me a great place to bounce ideas around and figure out what I think about a lot of things that us ex-JWs think about.
Hugs to you jgnat and hope to meet you very soon since we are not that far from each other!
Congrats Janet
I?m not JW or was one though I know one and this is why I?m here
In the beginning I lurked here just to fined why this entire BS and from this day on I?m here daily sometime 6 or 7 time in my office and evening I can say every evening. And I have allot of fun riding all posts allot here have so much knowledge of the OT and the NT thing I had no knowledge about the NT (I was born Jewish now I?m not believer not with one J or the other J)
JWD open my eyes and I must say if you alloy me to call all of you as friend .here we have awesome poster like Blondie, leolaia, Big tex. Alan F
AlmostAtheist,Avishai,Narkisos,Minimus, Fairchild,Farkel ,oh
SIMON and lots more. By the way no one welcome me anyhow thx to all of you