Led Zeppelin

by stillajwexelder 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Which was the best Led Zeppelin album? To me it was number 4 - but 2 and three were both excellent - its been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely time

  • DanTheMan

    That's a tough call, but IV gets the edge. I've always like the story of that album, how it was released with minimal fanfare and was quietly slipped into record stores, and went on to become one of the best selling albums of all time. Music talks, bullshit walks!

  • stillajwexelder

    and he's buying a stairway to heaven

  • DanTheMan

    Houses of the Holy.....shite production values, and Robert Plant starting to lose some of the wailing ability that he had on previous albums. Just isn't quite there, but is excellent in and of itself.

    The dogs of doom howl and moan

  • BrendaCloutier

    I'm a huge fan of II and III. Real rockers!

    I'm also a huge fan of Robert Plant's work, post Zep.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I'd already listened to Led Zep IV before I really got into them. For me it was Led Zep I with songs like 'Babe I'm gonna leave you' and Led Zep II 'Lemon Song' that got me hooked on their music. Physical Graffiti is brilliant too.

  • Leolaia

    IV has the best overall mix of talent, musical styles and production values. But if I were reaching for an album to listen to all the way through, I'd still reach for I. "Dazed and Confused" is still one of the most perfect-sounding rock songs I've ever heard. Plus I love how you can still hear echoes of older Yardbirds songs in I. For the most part tho, I listen to LZ more for individual songs than the albums as a whole. What are your favorite LZ songs? "Ten Years Gone," "Tangerine," "Rain Song," "The Ocean," "Dazed and Confused," "Poor Tom," "Friends," "Achilles," "Wanton Song", "Battle of Evermore" and "Dancing Days" are mine.

  • Dustin

    It's all about "when the levee breaks" for me. I just absolutely love that song. I would have to go with IV. But, I really like II as well.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I like number II and IV and Houses of The Holy. Last night as I was driving home from work I heard No Quarter on the radio. God that song sounds haunting and beautiful on my car stereo system. Houses seemed to underated by a lot of people I knew back in the 70s.

    PS: I turned it very loud. Something I don't often do now that I'm older than dirt.

  • DanTheMan
    "Dazed and Confused" is still one of the most perfect-sounding rock songs I've ever heard.

    There is no song that gets me worked up into an air guitar/drums frenzy like Dazed and Confused lol.

    What are your favorite LZ songs?

    I'm sure I'll forget some important ones, but here goes:

    Good Times Bad Times
    Dazed and Confused
    What is and What Should Never Be
    Ramble On
    Immigrant Song
    Black Dog
    Rock and Roll
    Stairway to Heaven
    Goin' to California
    The Song Remains the Same
    No Quarter
    The Ocean
    In the Evening


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