It may have been mentioned - sorry if it has. The WT of 15th April 2005, page 5 para 1 says 'Hence, the knowledge of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as found in the bible is sufficient to show you how to gain everlasting life. The bible is a unique book. The creator kindly inspired it in such a way that EVEN UNLETTERED MEN WITH LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES CAN TAKE IN ENOUGH KNOWLEGDE TO GAIN EVERLASTING LIFE.' (caps mine). That being the case how does this square with the WT policy that personal bible readers will be in darkness, become 'prideful' And where does this leave the FDS, God's 'channel' to dispense food at the right time? So why do they keep printing bible based publications (tm). Out of their own mouth they have condemned themselves.
So why do we need 'Bible Based Publications' then?
by uriah 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yep - I am suprised they have not altered the sign in Brooklyn to read "Read The Watchtower Daily"
Because their Bible based publications are the best way to keep brainwashing JWS . JWS become so dependent on their mags and books they don't know how to study the Bible without them..
"Read The Watchtower Daily"
I though that it did say that!
You missed the point:
And therein lies the deception. The means of salvation is not Christ. It is knowledge. (same 'ole gnostic heresy from the time of Paul) It is also "gained" not granted, nor bestowed, or nor delivered by grace.
Pretty smooth how they teach the anti-christian messsage while at the the same time feigning respect for the bible.
Re: So why do we need 'Bible Based Publications' then?
Good Question. Before anybody leaves the Truth, they first leave off reading the Bible. The publications are not a talisman and neither is the Bible. But it is God's word and when it is not longer imprinted on our heart the subject of Publications becomes an irrelevancy. 'Man shall not live on bread alone"
Before anybody leaves the Truth, they first leave off reading the Bible. The publications are not a talisman and neither is the Bible. But it is God's word and when it is not longer imprinted on our heart the subject of Publications becomes an irrelevancy. 'Man shall not live on bread alone"
O.K....Stop pulling my chain.When is the last time you knew that they did not accept the publications interpetation instead of the bible.???
Seems to me that they are trying to make the organization's teachings more palatable by inferring that they recognize that we need only the Bible. Don't be mislead, they'll come back again, and again with the idea that we must do our personal study of their literature.
The WT of 15th April 2005, page 5 para 1 says 'Hence, the knowledge of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as found in the bible is sufficient to show you how to gain everlasting life. The bible is a unique book. The creator kindly inspired it in such a way that EVEN UNLETTERED MEN WITH LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES CAN TAKE IN ENOUGH KNOWLEGDE TO GAIN EVERLASTING LIFE.' (caps mine).
This, IMO, is another example of disunity within the GB. I have seen correct and reasonable statements in the magazines before. One article years ago pointed out that tattooing was forbidden under the Law, but that we're no longer under the Law. So I believe there is at least one GB member who has his head screwed on straight. Also the application of the phrase "food at the proper time' I believe, has been greatly exaggerated to encompass absolutely everything that comes from the GB. I believe that Acts 15 is an example of what 'food at the proper time' really is. The endless rules that have been coming down from the GB for many decades is exactly what the Scribes and Pharisees did to the ancient Israelites...and we know how Jesus felt about them!
Pretty smooth how they teach the anti-christian messsage while at the the same time feigning respect for the bible.
I couldn't agree more with this. That is why I nearly hacked up a furrball when they changed their names to 'jehovahs christain witnesses'.
btw, what is that on your shoulder? Can't quite make it out...