Dumb and Dumber
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke
by ExmormonRobertson 30 Replies latest jw friends
Dumb and Dumber
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke
Ha ha ha... This "cross-over" stuff between the "ex" boards is really too funny. Welcome Dana.
I seem to remember when I was "in" that some seemed to view Mormons as our "competition" or something like that. Some sort of unity amongst ex-cult members to bring public awareness to various issues is definitely interesting.
As for movies that reminded me of the cult, I will have to say like most here, that it was the Matrix. The movie "Orgazmo" cracked me up alot too (about a Mormon turns pornstar...lol) But the opening door to door scene had an uncanny resemblence to JWs as well.
Nice to see you here. Bring some friends.
Mary Poppins
Hi I think the movie must be "Midnight Express"
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
Woody Allen
Stalag 17. Actually we mention The Matrix a lot also.
i'd have to say the matrix and pleasantville. the truman show too and animal farm..lol
welcome to our board robertson i love this place too!
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
Welcome Dana
I have to say Truman show. I never saw the Matrix so that is not fair with so many voting for it. Maybe I will put it on my to watch list.
In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.
Hi Exmormon: Thanks for posting here. Yesterday I posted on the exmnormon bb. I agree with a couple of other posters that the movie the "Matrix" is a good description of the Watch Tower religion. Perhaps amalgamated with Keystone Cops minus the humor, The Borg from Star Trek, and a healthy dash of George Orwell's 1984 with Big Brother.
Reading the exmormon board is like looking at a parallel universe for ex-JWs. I suspect it is similar for ex-mormons reading this board. We do need to have a fun convention somewhere for the two groups to meet in person someday. Thanks again. - Amazing
As a Mormon (who is somewhat of a closet unbeliever but doesn't want to end up divorced) your exJW world seems to be a parallel universe indeed. Someday we should have joint conventions and compare notes.
BTW is there such thing as a closet unbeliever JW who goes through the motions but really thinks that Bethel is total baloney. Do such closet unbeliever JWs come to this board? At the exmormon.org board it seems that 20-30% of those who post there are very active Mormons (i.e. doing everything public to build the Church and attend) who are trying to get out of the religion but are stuck due to family, friends, habits, social pressures and the fear of the unknown.
billygoat, I agree -- Stepford Wives.
Matrix, too, although I am not that kind of "copper top"
I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.