Who else is not going to the memorial for the first time this year?

by Pole 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pole

    Well, it's going to be the first memorial I'll miss out on. No big deal, but I guess it has to be considered one of the final stages of "apostasy" :smile:. I remember I used to see some df-ed people at memorials. That on the other hand was a sign of still being a mental slave of the WTS.

    I faded away last year (my wife joined me). We haven't been to a meeting for months now nad we're never going back there even for the so-called "social-reasons". Interestingly, I've heard the JWs who knew us try to rationalize it by saying we've grown "spiritually weak", although we never said we felt weak.

    It will be fun to meet somebody in the street after we miss the memorial.

    Anyone else missing the MEM thing for the first time?


  • Peppermint

    This year will be my second no-show. Last year it seemed such a big deal now I couldn?t give a fig.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    This is our second miss. Had just finished Ray's books before Memorial time last year - almost went - then just couldn't do it. Just doesn't mean what they taught - just like all the rest.

    This year I think we will pick a day and have wine and bread after our evening meal - talk about Jesus and have a prayer.


  • blondie

    Third time for us and no problem.

    The difficulty is in proportion to your closeness to your family.

    Somehow missing other JW meetings is easier for them to accept but missing the Memorial is more final in their minds. That is one reason why the WTS has the rank and file lobby so hard to get people to the Memorial besides getting a big number to point to.

    Love, Blondie

  • heart2heart

    This will be our first year not going. We too thought of doing something more personal at home to remember the occasion, like wine and bread and a discussion. I'm sure the church we're going to will have some kind of special program for Easter as well.

    I'm not sure if Kwin's family is expecting us to go or not - they know we are not going to go to any meetings, assemblies, etc., but not attending the Memorial is a huge statement to those still "in". However, we are prepared that there may be repercussions from them, but we are not going to go simply to soothe their feelings.


  • Honesty

    I wouldn't miss it for the world.... Sunday March 27. The Lord's Supper and Easter Services at the same time.

  • JustTickledPink

    3rd or maybe 4th year not going. I was going with my mother but a few years ago she took my being DF'd to a whole new level and said she couldn't ride with me in the same car to the Memorial. She told me to drive my own car and I said if I couldn't go "as a family" with her, I wasn't going. I figured that sealed the deal for me and I won't ever go again.

    UNLESS, I won the lottery, then I'd show up in a very expensive car with a bottle of champagne, oodles of jewels.

  • googlemagoogle

    i will go. and i know i will feel as bored and disgusted like last year. well no.. last year i was thinking about drinking the wine and eating the bread, as i still believed all the jesus thing. this year i'll think about eating and drinking the "symbols" just for fun. but i'll just think about it, wont do it.

    and they'll have the same old "if you want to know more about jehovah's witnesses" talk in the final part as always. and my stomach will turn as always.

  • AlmostAtheist

    This will be Gina and I's first missed memorial. I asked her if she was going to go, just to keep up appearances. She looked shocked and said, "No!" like I was an idiot or something. (I get that a lot, from a lot of people...)

    It's hard to turn down free wine, but the portions are so small, and they have some sort of a meeting or something before you get any. Pass.


  • Ticker

    Im not going this year either even though ive been invited. I just explained my reasons for not wanting association with the organization when they came but of course they still tried to persaude me but to no avail. I think I will be more content to avoid their judgemental looks anyway, and their phoney "HI how are you doing." I dont think I can take that when the rest of the year they act like im not even alive. I may just have a little memorial at home to show appreciation for what Jesus did.



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