Do you remeber Sara Lee used to be given out at the assemblies? mmmmm That was the best part of going to the assemblies.
Sara Lee
by homme perdu 11 Replies latest jw friends
Given out? ...for free?
No, I just remember frozen burittos and other stuff they got in bulk at Costco. -
homme perdu
well... one had to give some kind of contribution. the SL cheese bread was the best!
Nope. I got nothing for free.
Sara Lee. What that be?
I remember, years ago...probably in the late 70's or early 80's the assemblies here in the midwest used to have some Sara Lee...I especially remember the Danish Rolls. The cheese filled danish were the best!
I especially remember the Danish Rolls. The cheese filled danish were the best!
Those were the best. Probably the only thing I miss about those conventions!
New Worldly Translation
I can't remember Sara Lee cakes but I do recall getting these -
There was a toffee flavour as well. They were yummy.
Who is this Sara Lee and what does she do?
- Preston
Yes, I remember the 'cocolate like' hellas bars (actually, the mint ones were quite nice).
What were they? 15 tickets? Heck ... my memory is going !