What happens to a person that has given a major portion of the thier life in decades of full time service at Bethel or as a Circut or District Overseer and they get caught not beleiveing the teachings of the WT?
Will the Governing Body live up to its moral obligation to take care of them in their old age? One would think that they would. After all these people have claimed a vow of poverty, and have put very little money aside for retirement because they served the Organization full time and had no money to put aside. Why? Because they believe the teachings of the Governing Body. So what happens to these poor souls that fall into disbeleif and make a accidental slip of tongue that causes them to be brought before a committee on charges of disbeleif??
Will the Governing Body live up to its obligation to these poor souls or will they throw them to the curb by kicking them out of Bethel without any type of severance pay or retirement benifits? The Governing Body has in the past kicked such unfortunate persons out of Bethel,,and out of the congregation and into the street without so much as a giving them a dime in retirement benifits. This gives a very bad witness as they say.
How can the WT in good conscience print encouragement to the rank and file to treat the elderly with respect and human kindness if they do that and yet they have done it whenever the situation presents itself.