The Social Structure in the Congregation

by Mary 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    I was the #7 daughter of a single mother, but moved onto #4 pioneer sister during my teen years. My motivation for pioneering though was that is was the ONLY way to get recognition. If you wanted to meet any single brothers, you needed a way "in" and pioneering did that. It also got people to say hi to you at meetings, you weren't lowest of the low anymore.

    On the topic of PO's I just found out the PO of my cong when I was in my early teens got removed because his daughter got DF'd for having sex. Why does it give me so much pleasure when they lose their grip on this imaginary power????

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    #1 and #2

    I saw how savage that social structure was. Even as a child I could see the hypocrisy.

    Despite the sincere people in that religion who whole heartedly believe they are doing gods will; I really have seen enough to suspect that they are all "wannabees".

  • GetBusyLiving

    :Missing meetings on a regular basis makes you more invisible than Jesus' Return in 1914.

    Damnit if that isn't the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.. Mary you kill me.

    I was an inbetween.

  • HadEnuf

    I thought this was pretty true to form; if you like to generalize things. Yes...probably close to the truth. I do resent this though:

    It also helps if you develop either fibromyalga or chronic fatigue syndrome; that way, you can get a disability cheque every month so you don't have to work

    I developed CFS and fibromyalgia back in 1989...I believe due to the stressed placed on me to be a good JW. Though I notice that many on this forum laugh at these diseases and make fun of those who have them...believing that they don't exist and it's just a "mental" thing...believe me, as one who has suffered for many years with these diseases...they are as real as any other disease, whether it be heart disease, diabetes, heart conditions, etc. I suffer everyday of my life and struggle to have some form of a "normal" life.

    I also DO NOT receive any "Cheques/checks" for this disability as I was a stay-at-home mother for my whole life and am not eligible to receive any type of disability. This has put a great strain on our finances over the years.

    I wish that people would stop belittling those with these diseases. I am horrified to find such small mindedness on this forum and such ignorance.

    I hope Mary that you never get these diseases.

    Cathy L. "Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore"

  • dostprefer

    Re: The Social Structure in the Congregation

    Once again one chooses to look at things with a benign or a jaundiced eye.

    who was it wrote ?Two men imprisoned behind iron bars, One saw the mud, the other saw the stars??

  • Toronto_Guy

    Very interesting and funny!

    I was probably somewhere close to

    I agree with some of your points, although I can say I was fortunate enough to be in some pretty decent congs growing up and before I was df'd. While I can see now its not the truth, I can't say that my congs were as bad as you portrayed, at least not from what I experienced! But as I say, I can relate to some of your points, and its a pretty funny description.


  • zman

    #1, #1!!!! I was the P.O. kid!!!!!!!!!!!! no drugs but more like 8 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jaredg

    i was the kid in the #2 scenario

  • upside/down
    I thought this was pretty true to form; if you like to generalize things. Yes...probably close to the truth. I do resent this though:

    It also helps if you develop either fibromyalga or chronic fatigue syndrome; that way, you can get a disability cheque every month so you don't have to work

    I developed CFS and fibromyalgia back in 1989...I believe due to the stressed placed on me to be a good JW. Though I notice that many on this forum laugh at these diseases and make fun of those who have them...believing that they don't exist and it's just a "mental" thing...believe me, as one who has suffered for many years with these diseases...they are as real as any other disease, whether it be heart disease, diabetes, heart conditions, etc. I suffer everyday of my life and struggle to have some form of a "normal" life.

    I also DO NOT receive any "Cheques/checks" for this disability as I was a stay-at-home mother for my whole life and am not eligible to receive any type of disability. This has put a great strain on our finances over the years.

    I wish that people would stop belittling those with these diseases. I am horrified to find such small mindedness on this forum and such ignorance.

    You may be right- the Dub "lifestyle" does contribute to these disorders. And there seems to be a disproportionate amount of Dubs with these and similar "afflictions" (I suffer too). But it must be noted that the "spirit" of most comments related to this are aimed at DEAD BEATS! Not truly suffering ones. I've known many Dubs that "pioneer" off the government and I find it appalling, especially when I see ones truly afflicted who can't get a F'n dime! The Dubs don't take care of their "own" and decry all governments as "evil", but are usually the first in the welfare line.

    Welfare and sympathy are entitlements to those deserving. I just can't stomach it when a Dub lives the live of riley at the Gov's expense and says that J is blessing them- PUKE.

    But I know you know this. Respectfully,


  • Mary
    HadEnuf said: I developed CFS and fibromyalgia back in 1989...I believe due to the stressed placed on me to be a good JW. Though I notice that many on this forum laugh at these diseases and make fun of those who have them...believing that they don't exist and it's just a "mental" thing...

    I absolutely believe that people get fibromyalgia and I am sorry that you developed it. My point is that there are a suspiciously high number of Dubs that seem to "develop" these types of diseases whereby they can't go out to work, but they have absolutely no problem going out in Service all the time. I know several people at the Hall who outwardly stated that they did not want to work, and lo and behold they suddenly have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome and they get to collect a disability cheque every month, and pioneer at the same time.

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