Has anyone ever seen (or heard of) any audited financials being made available to the rank ans file?
Elder says "Watchtower is cutting costs"
by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends
"but after leaving Bethel and talking with a few Circuit Overseers, I was surprised at how much they do not know about what goes on at Headquarters."
I think that many of them do but do not say anything. Some elders are masters at making others believe what they themselves do not, trust me, I know. Its a classic case of "not biting the hand that feeds you" especially with CO's and DO's and many Bethelites. I have a feeling that there are higher ups who are doubting but would have nowhere to go if they went public. The WT is an insidious trap... some stay for family and thats the only reason, some because if they left at age 50+ what would they do?
cyber-sista Wrote:
Being a JW is kind of like being in a book club--the first few books are free, but after that you have to keep buying them forever and ever.
Hahahaha!!!!! That's great! That's a keeper! Thanks!