Anyone sick?
by heatherg 24 Replies latest jw friends
I've had a bit of a cough for about a few months (can't seem to cough up that phlegm).
The next thing to worry about is hayfever.
Ok, I've been told my sense of humor is sick.
My 6 yr old daughter just got diagnosed from the doctor with influenza type B. It's really nasty and I feel sooooo bad for her. She has cold symptoms along with very high fevers, body aches, and the chills. Her pediatrician said that anyone who had a flu shot this yr. is suseptable to this strain because the shot was for type A only. If you know of anyone that is getting sick with these symptoms, have them go to the doctor right away. Her pediatrician said that if it can be caught within the first 24 hrs. it can be treated and will reduce the time of sickness to about 2 days rather than a week or more.
I hope none of you get it!! hg -
classicist.. speaking of phlegm, have you seen that commerical for Musenex? Supposed to get rid of your phlegm. hg
body aches
A friend just had this. Tough guy. Couldn't bend over to tie his shoes his muscles hurt so bad.
Me? There is no doubt that your little girl is tougher than me.
Give her chicken soup and those creamsickles and put Vick's on her chest and a hot water bottle and SpongeBob on TV and the Jungle Book get her that and ginger ale and some extra pillows and buy her a present and put a non-wicker trash can by her bed in case she throws up.
Poor little thing I hope she gets better soon.
mentally or physically? hahahahaha
Thanks confusedjw!! Did most of what you said already. She's too sleepy right now for most of it, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and we'll have a SpongeBob marathon. I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready eddie eddie eddie! hg
speaking of phlegm, have you seen that commerical for Musenex
Drug commercials are really restircted in Canada, so no (like there's a total ban on commercials for perscription drugs, except Viagra it seems).
Boy, you miss out on some good commericals then! hg