and its 'goodbye from him'

by dostprefer 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    I remember having these thoughts myself way back when I wanted the WT to be the truth, what I failed to think through was, even if every exjw on earth was wrong and "evil" that didnt make the watchtower "the truth". Even if the Catholic church is false, that didnt make the watchtower "the truth", one doesnt justify the other. You owe it to yourself to recognise the error of the watchtower and shun it as a false religion, unless you just want to please man and fear man rather than God.

    Whatever you do, I wish you happiness in life, I only found it after I left the movement.


  • mtbatoon

    Wait up. Shouldn't it be ?and its goodnight from him?? Really you'd think people would take the trouble to get it right.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Now I lay me down to sleep

    May dostprefer leave these good sheep

    To learn and live and truly know

    The truth about the 'truth' you know -

    All the things he says are lies

    Can be proven true to those who try

    So now Lord may dost be gone

    And this forum can just go on!

    Can you say Amen? - AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dostnotfeedthetrolls!


  • Bryan
    You also know that going to the Kingdom Hall and/or approaching the elders in the congregation of your choice will be the start of extricating yourself from whatever disastrous situation you have gotten yourself into

    Yes, of course. God has nothing to do with faith.

    You must submit.We must submit.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • cindykp

    How many of you actually believe that when these people leave, they wont be back to read anyones posts? NOT!

  • Sunspot
    p.s. I shan't be back to read postings to this

    (Peeking out from the back room---looking both ways---whispering....)

    Is he REALLY gone?

    Come on, gang! Let's break out the GOOD wine and shrimp appetizers! Pick up the box of cheap crackers and Cheez-Whiz and put'em back on the shelf for the next WTS apologist that will float through here.


  • jwbot

    cypher50 said something that I think you should see dost:

    "As for any "disastrous situations" I am in, I laugh because I came a lot closer to a mental breakdown as a, I am making friends that aren't the Watchtower's "worldy drug using" image of every non-witness."

    This goes for a lot of us on this board. Why am I here? Because it has affected my life and there are great people here for support. How is my life? Never been better. I am not depressed, I am better educated, I am stronger, I am less socially awkward. I am a better person. (Oh and I do not deal drugs and I am not a prostitute either. hah)

  • iiz2cool
  • metatron

    Take note of this stupidity - and cowardise.

    They are utterly free to overcome any fact or argument we present. They are free to respond to specifics.

    Instead they self righteously toss out a collection of accusations - put their tail between their legs and run away.

    They can't debate us. They can't confront real facts. They can't offer any detailed defense.

    Run Watchtower, run

    We're gaining on you.


  • lonelysheep

    YES!!!!! Get your pathetic azz outta here!!

    and that you would not advise anybody, witness or not to do it.

    Oh, I'd advise everyone to come here.

    But if you make a spiritual recovery it will turn out to be a blessing.
    Yes, it has turned out to be a blessing by not obeying the WTS anymore.

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