Yesterday I watched a thread grow so fast it was insane. That thread wasn?t about how bad the society was, it wasn?t about sex or drugs, it was what we thought could have been someone committing suicide, saying they had enough?life sucks and then....
Then today I read a second posting of someone who has done an exhaustive study on the postings found within JWD (actually only the tame ones that are from people leaning more pro Org than against) and determined what a hate filled sack of pus this place is. It really does grate on my nerves since I find so much solace here. I even introduced someone who is not in any way affiliated with religion of any kind, and her response to me has been overwhelmingly positive. She feels that the board contains a wealth of caring and compassionate people with a common bond. And she is right.
I didn?t see a single post from dostprefer on the ?suicide thread? yesterday, nor do I ever really see anything encouraging from those that are pro-org. I can?t even remember having read a genuinely caring phrase or real encouragement outside of: ?you should go to your elders? from a pro-org poster, can anyone else? It was an evil apostate who finally found out for the massive group of people that were worried if the poster was ok. What if we were in the org? Would there even have been a phone call at all?
That?s the difference. WE are those who really care about others enough to love them as they are. WE are the people that had a conscience of our own enough to know we could not lie anymore. WE are the ones who made the stand against our families and friends, walking away from the only support system some of us ever had. Are we filled with hate for the org? Almost anyone who really does research on the postings here will probably answer yes, but the people that dig deep will see the hatred is for lies, deceit, and false concern is paramount. How many times did we get the fake smile and the ?I?ve been wondering about how you were?, when the person saying it had to drive past your house every day to get to and from work? I remember it now from when I was a kid, we were living on peanut butter sandwiches and Kool Aid, huddled in one room of our house because we couldn?t afford to heat anything more, while our father in good standing was blowing money right and left on his 13 year old girlfriend. Hell, they always went on and on about how I needed to be like my dad ?the great man? Do I hate the org for that? No. But I refuse to be a part of an organization that PERPETUATES the mentality that forces people to ignore fact. Truth is truth and there is NO SUCH THING AS NEW LIGHT!
So as they say goodbye and tell us about how we are so full of hate, I would ask them where were they when my brother and I were in a hotel room while our father was next door having sex with some woman, and the next day we were at the hall? Where were they when I was told that day I should have more respect for him and follow his example? Where were they when the brother giving the talk on R rated movies was sitting in the floor watching Aliens with me the night before, then denied it to my face when I asked him how he could be hypocritical? Where were you who claim I have no claim when I saw an entire congregation embrace the 18 year old girl my father eventually married because she was pregnant, fully reinstating him within weeks of their marriage. Where were they when the whole world turned their back on my mother because she left a pedophile.
I guess what I?m trying to say is I?m proud of what this site is about, I?m a better person today because I found it. If someone thinks the people here are evil liars and decide to leave with a few parting shots?maybe they just aren?t ready for the truth about the truth?yet.