So, I have been badgered recently to do some kind of family study by my wife. Thanks to I now have a really easy tool to use that not only passes this time but actually makes them question the organisation.
Our sessions skipping through the delights of the monthly broadcast have been very interesting. For example:
- derision at the wooden delivery of the GB
- laughter at Stephen Lett and his crazy eyes
- questioning around Morris and his anti-education rant
- 3 minutes of rolling around, belly laughs at the trolley song
- questioning of why anyone would want to listen to the tedious morning worship broadcasts, let alone sit through them in person
- discussion about how prominent the GB have made themselves in the past 5 years
- discussion about the appropriateness and point of wearing a Sophia and Caleb pin on the ministry as opposed to one featuring some Disney or Marvel character. (see Mrs. Antony Morris at around 23:10 in this months joy fest)
The great thing about these broadcasts is that they show the GB as people with little to recommend respect. In our house, reverence and unfettered respect for the hierarchy of the org has never been commonplace, even when I was mentally fully paid up, so it's quite natural to laugh at some of the ridiculous things presented.
It's tough treading a line on these sorts of things but has been a great tool in helping my kids see that the GB and their ramblings are pretty ridiculous. Food at the proper time indeed.