When I was at Bethel I was told a story by my overseer (who was a really cool guy) about a job this guy in the South Africa branch had.
The South Africa branch has their own wastewater treatment area and because it was so hot there, the shit that came into the pond (that was their wastewater treatment plant) would dry up and float to the top and crust over the whole pond.
(Nice thought huh?)
So this guy would go out in a rowboat and take one of his oars every so often and break up the shit into smaller chunks so it would float back down to the bottom of the pond. A few days later it would crust over again, so he would go back out again and break it up so it would sink to the bottom again ... and so it would go every few days.
And accourding to us at the WOrld Headquarters of the JWs - this guy was ECSTATIC to have this job! What a fine example for us in a progressive land to show appreciation for our jobs.
(Excuse me while I run to the bathroom, gag, and vomit.)