by Mary 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    When I was at Bethel I was told a story by my overseer (who was a really cool guy) about a job this guy in the South Africa branch had.

    The South Africa branch has their own wastewater treatment area and because it was so hot there, the shit that came into the pond (that was their wastewater treatment plant) would dry up and float to the top and crust over the whole pond.

    (Nice thought huh?)

    So this guy would go out in a rowboat and take one of his oars every so often and break up the shit into smaller chunks so it would float back down to the bottom of the pond. A few days later it would crust over again, so he would go back out again and break it up so it would sink to the bottom again ... and so it would go every few days.

    And accourding to us at the WOrld Headquarters of the JWs - this guy was ECSTATIC to have this job! What a fine example for us in a progressive land to show appreciation for our jobs.

    (Excuse me while I run to the bathroom, gag, and vomit.)


  • Valis

    I worked for a telemarketing firm one day...tryig to seel tickets to the sherrif's ball...*LOL* I eneded up walking out in laughter..


    District Overbeer

  • BrendaCloutier

    Valis, which ball, the left or the right?

  • the_classicist

    My first and only job so far was working for the government at a government owned fair/amusement park. A union job. My job was as a concessions vendor (I basically went around yelling "Penuts, Penuts."). My job training had nothing to do with my job, I was supposed to be paid for my training, but I wasn't. I had to continually walk up and down stairs selling crap with monster trucks were making me deaf. Eventually, a friend who was working with me got me some earplugs, which they supplied @ first aid to employees, but they didn't tell us about them.

    Besides continually walking up and down the stairs, it was BOILING hot and I usually had something heavy around my neck (like a tray w/50 water bottles in it). Add to this the fact that it was a fair, and I hate fairs because of their trailer trash connotations. I also had IDIOTIC bosses who didn't really know what they were doing, and who thought they were more important than they really were (1/3 of my immediate bosses were like this, the other two were his subordinates, though, and the higher up managers were $h!theads too). I really hated this job. I had nightmares about working there (like I used to have nightmares about going to elementary school, people raised JWs could probably understand that).

    I learned something, however, I'm not meant to work in the service industry.

  • NeonMadman

    I once had a job for 3 days pugging clay. That involved taking bags of powdered clay and dumping them into a pug mill, which was a mixing machine, sort of on the idea of a meat grinder. It had a hopper to receive the powder, and you sprayed water in from a hose. The water and clay ran through a big corkscrew, and what came out the end was clay like you think of for modeling or making pottery. Of course, when you dumped the bags the powder went everywhere, and you tended to end the day with 18 pounds of clay that had to be picked out of your nose, ears and mouth. Not to mention being all over your skin and clothes. I quit after 3 days, and then the guy let me run his comic book store for him, which was much more fun.

    My second least favorite job was 3 weeks at Burger King...

  • garybuss

    Once a guy drove his car into the city sewer pond. He got out and stood on top of the car and the sewage was up to his chin. Two maintenance workers saw him and started to row out to him in their row boat. He was yelling something but they couldn't quite hear.

    What do ya think he was yelling?

  • talesin

    The hardest job I had was as a chambermaid.

    I started at 7 am, had 22 rooms to clean (including one large, oceanfront suite) by 1. And it was a class place, so everything had to be done perfectly, sheets changed, vacuum, dust, little paper thingy on the toilet, mirrors shined, etc. etc. etc. So it wasn't just the work, it was the time factor. After you take out a 1/2 hour lunch, that's more than 3 rooms per hour.

    I lasted two days. At the end of the second day, I went to the boss and told her I couldn't do it. Bye! After 10 years of commercial cleaning work (lugging canvas garbage bags, scrubbing floors, cleaning businesses after fire damage), chambermaid was just too much for me.

    The job I hated most was telemarketing! I agree with unbeliever & Valis. I did one 4-hour shift selling books of tickets (you know the kind, free meals, mini golf, etc.), gathered my cash, and said "NEVER AGAIN". It sucks, people are idiots, and it's tiring to talk nonstop for that long. (Anyone who knows me in RL would have a real belly laugh over that one.)


  • HadEnuf

    Oh Mary...your description of the chicken job was a hoot or should I say a cackle (or is it a cluck)?

    My worst job was cleaning the men's porta-potty at the quick builds. Too bad you can't teach guys to shoot straight.

    Cathy L.

  • mama

    lol at the chicken factory mary, very funny. right now i work in a nursing home for alzeheimer's patients as a pcw. its very hard work but i love it. i know i am helping them and their families through a very painful experience. some people would think its a horrible job, cause you name it, we do it. Administer meds, help with tolieting, etc. You get the picture, but I have to tell you, when one of the residents has a moment of clarity and looks at you saying "God bless you for helping me", that's better than any paycheck. The worst job I ever had was as a cleaner at a hospital, not only do you clean up shit, you are treated like it. Doctors and nurses literally look past you like your not there. Or, even worst, I would be cleaning a patient room and the nurse or doctor would throw garbage on the floor right in front of me. There was such a contempt there you could feel it.I often felt cheated looking at the doctors and nurses who looked down their noses at me. Little did they realize I had been given no opportunities to get an education. That was the worst job I ever ever had. But life does go on and I am planning to go back to school in 2 years to take nursing. The chicken factory does sound pretty bad though!

  • Sweetp0985

    Cleaning up other peoples filthy funky houses with my JW step-mom...i hated that job with a passion...its pissing me off now just typing this and thinking about all the crap we had to do so that we could have more days off during the week to go knock on peoples doors to spread more damn poison and all i made was enough damn freaking money to buy me a burger at stupid freaking Micky D's......whew...sorry.....wooooosssaaaaaaa!!!!! sorry that was my worst job EVER!!!!

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