In light of the time of year, and in response to a request from Had Enough, I have just posted the 1993 version (does anyone know if there is a more recent one????) of the Memorial Talk outline at the Quotes site:
You will see that in addition to the HTML version, a scanned version is also available. Note: If the scan looks squished and small on your screen, that is because your browser is shrinking it to fit in the browser window. Just click on the "squished" image to snap it back to full size. (I know most of you already know that, but I suspect some don't).
Be sure to print of a copy and take with you to the Memorial on March 24 (or is it the 23rd???) so you can follow along.
For those of you celebrating on your own, this will be very helpful! In fact, I'll bet you could cover all the material, and read all the scriptures in about 15 minutes (instead of the suggested 45 minutes). Take the extra time to discuss the relative merits of Cabernet vs. Merlot (or Ritz vs. Saltines, if you like).
One more thing: in keeping with my new policy, an entry regarding this addition has been made to the News and Updates page
~Quotes, of the "one talk down, 116 to go" class
Memorial Talk Outline: get your copy here
by Quotes 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
its so sad to see it so scripted. in years past there were some very heartfelt and wonderful memorial talks given that really focused on Jesus.
btw..i'm not going. havent been in 3 yrs.
"attend all FIVE meetings" (mention times)
Does that mean that many JWs are only attending 2 or 3 meetings a week?
Before we stopped attending, you could count on one elder mentioning this "admonition" during the meeting.
Meeting attendance is even worse now.
Blondie; you've raised an interesting point.
THere are Three meetings per week (for me it was Tues, Thurs, Sunday). Why the need to make it sound even worse than it already is, by subdividing Tues. and Sunday into halves, get get five/week???
I mean, with all the claims of being a High Control group, you would think they wan to minimize this number. But no; since the WT is obsessed with statistics and numbers, they stretch this out to make it sound more impressive (or should I say, onerous).
~Quotes, of the "Low, Out-of-Control" class -
Got and April 2000 copy? It has been worked a bit, but I think you get the idea:
? Song No. 87 Prayer.
This celebration will follow the PATTERN FOR the "LORD'S EVENING MEAL" as WAS SET BY JESUS himself. (3 min.)
The first Lord's Evening Meal was celebrated Nisan 14, 33 C.E.
On that night, Jesus and his 11 faithful apostles, were present for the occasion.
From the Gospel record we understand that Jesus knew he would soon give his life as a perfect sacrifice.
He therefore, arranged for his sacrifice to be remembered in a simple ceremony. Let?s read his words together in Luke 22:19, 20. We see from those instructions the simplicity.
Jesus' death is commemorated once each year; this serves as a reminder of the loving provision of ransom.
Jehovah showed love by making this provision, and Jesus did so by fulfilling his role.
When Adam disobeyed God, he lost the right to perfect human life.
All descendants of Adam have inherited sinful tendencies from him.
The willful disobedience of the perfect man Adam, as the responsible head over Eve and as the male progenitor or life source of the human family, brought sin and death to all his offspring.
[Read Romans 6:23a] Wages sin pays is death. Because Adam and Eve ignored the warning and transgressed God?s expressed will, they became captives to sin and its curse of death. There was no way for them to free themselves, and that meant their children would be born in the same captive state they were in.
This means that imperfect humans cannot redeem themselves. Humans need to be redeemed or released from this captive condition to sin and death.
This can only happen by means of the ransom, [Read Romans 6:23b] The apostle Paul reminds us that God provides gift of everlasting life to mankind through Jesus Chris, or through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ?s? perfect human life.
But in order to have everlasting life one must exercise faith in Christ. [Read John 3:16, 36]
Do we see that "Exercising faith" calls for action on our part? James the half brother of Jesus further confirms this. Lets read his words together in James 2:24, 26. Faith and Works [action] go hand in hand.
Those approved by God come in line for everlasting life, either in heaven or on earth.
Yes, two different destinies for those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ?s ransom, there are two different classes.
How do we know which class and which destiny will be ours? We need to understand that it is Jehovah who chooses the place each dedicated and baptized one will serve.
The "Little flock" receive everlasting life in heaven. (Lu 12:32)
The number of this group is limited to 144,000 as God?s word says.
Interestingly the majority of these were gathered prior to our time; with only a remnant remaining.
The Memorial attendance last year worldwide was 15,597,746, but only 8760 partook of the emblems, which indicates that they profess the heavenly hope.
Rev 14:1 describes those of the "little flock" as bearing the name of Jehovah God and of Jesus Christ. Lets read that scripture together. (re 200) These loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. They are clearly identified. Their having Jesus? name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. Indicating that their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions. (Lu 12:32; Re 14:1)
In heaven they have a crucial role to play. They will "rule as kings over the earth". (Re 5:10)
Also as part of the Kingdom arrangement, they will channel untold blessings to obedient humans.
How do they know, or how is it determined whether an individual is of this class? God's spirit gives "little flock" personal assurance that they have heavenly hope. [Read Romans 8:16, 17]
These ones have been brought into the ?new covenant?, on basis of which spiritual Israelites are gathered.
Since Jesus referred to "new covenant" when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, only those in new covenant partake of emblems. (Lu 22:20: ?This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.)
They have also been referred to as "firstfruits to God". [Read Revelation 14:4] Firstfruits are NOT the whole crop. Therefore this expression implies that others are also in line for God's favor.
"Other sheep" will enjoy everlasting life on earth. [Read John 10:16]
This group are also highly favored by God; In fact Jehovah called them "blessed" and "my people". [Read Isaiah 65:21-23]
Members of both the heavenly and the earthly classes have reason to be grateful for kind provision of ransom.
While anointed partake of emblems, other sheep attend as respectful observers, reflecting appreciatively on ransom.
When Jesus instituted the Memorial arrangement, he explained that the bread and wine represent his body and blood, which was the perfect sacrifice.
In the scriptures, leaven is usually equated with sin, so the fact that the bread was unleavened, it fittingly represents Jesus' sinless body (lCo 5:7, 8)
Red wine pictures his blood poured out in sacrifice, which provides the basis for the new covenant and makes possible forgiveness-of sins (Mt 26:27, 28?for this means my ?blood of the covenant,? which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.)
Now, having discussed together the pattern that was set for us by Jesus Christ and why a ransom was needed, including who benefit from it, as well as understanding what the emblems represent, let us now?
Tonight we will follow the pattern Jesus set for observing the Lord's Evening Meal as we discussed at the outset. Let us take our bibles and share [Read and comment briefly on 1 Corinthians 11:23, 24]
Did you notice that Jesus offered prayer and then passed bread to 11 apostles.
We will now invite Bro. ____________________ to offer prayer and we will then pass the bread as Jesus did.
[Read and comment briefly on 1 Corinthians 11:25]
Jesus prayed and then offered wine to followers
Let us now invite Bro. ______________________to offer prayer and then the wine will be passed.
[Optional whether speaker comments while emblems are being served]
How can we show appreciation for the Memorial?
If you are not yet baptized, could you continue working toward that goal?
How??This is done by building faith by taking in knowledge, accurate knowledge. (Joh 17:3)
As your faith grows, you will find that you will have the strength to fulfill other requirements-repentance, conversion, dedication, and baptism.
Once baptized, must work to remain faithful.
Attending meetings regularly, not merely on special occasions can help us do this. (Heb 10:23-25)
Too, actively engaging in preaching work is another way that we can remain faithful. (Ac 1:8)
Both anointed and other sheep must meet same standards of conduct.
We invite all qualified ones to share in field ministry this week. In fact there will be a meeting for filed ministry tomorrow morning meeting here at the Kingdom Hall at 9:00 a.m.
As we continue to reflect on all the benefits of the Ransom sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and attending the Lord?s Evening Meal for 2003, let us continue to take in knowledge of Jehovah's purposes, and work in harmony with them.
After the original memorial celebration, the events of that night occurred rapidly. But before Jesus completed that celebration, They shared in singing praises before they left. Let us do that now by singing together Song No. 105 Hail Jehovah?s Firstborn! (Hebrews 1:6) and Closing Prayer.
[Only scriptures in bold type need be read. References: w9O 2/15 10-20; it-2 268-71; gt 114, 115]
S-31 4/00
I got to give this two memorials ago, I dont know if this is still current for this year, but it wont take much imagination to come up with something close..... You can see that I put in all the joining words, so it makes more sense!! -
woooo.....did anyone see that? I left some names in...oooopppsss nearly knackered myself....Freud at work again?
Notice that the explanation of who partakes is longer than the actual "celebration". This confirms what I felt at the last memorial that I attended. The speaker droned on and on about who was eligible and what it meant for the partakers. I thought then that more time was spent on trying to justify who should partake then on any other part of the memorial. Apparently I was right.
I'd love to run this through a "burn maker" or "shizzolator" site.
? Song No. 87 Prayer.
This celebration will follow the PATTERN FOR the "LORD'S EVENING MEAL" as WAS SET BY JESUS himself. (3 min.)
The first Lord's Evening Meal was celebrated Nisan 14, 33 C.E.
On that night, Jesus and his 11 faithful apostles, were present for the occasion.
From the Gospel record we understand that Jesus knew he would soon give his life as a perfect sacrifice.
He therefore, arranged for his sacrifice to be remembered in a simple ceremony. Let?s read his words together in Luke 22:19, 20. We see from those instructions the simplicity.
Jesus' death is commemorated once each year; this serves as a reminder of the loving provision of ransom.
Jehovah showed love by making this provision, and Jesus did so by fulfilling his role.
When Adam disobeyed God, he lost the right to perfect human life.
All descendants of Adam have inherited sinful tendencies from him.
The willful disobedience of the perfect man Adam, as the responsible head over Eve and as the male progenitor or life source of the human family, brought sin and death to all his offspring.
[Read Romans 6:23a] Wages sin pays is death. Because Adam and Eve ignored the warning and transgressed God?s expressed will, they became captives to sin and its curse of death. There was no way for them to free themselves, and that meant their children would be born in the same captive state they were in.
This means that imperfect humans cannot redeem themselves. Humans need to be redeemed or released from this captive condition to sin and death.
This can only happen by means of the ransom, [Read Romans 6:23b] The apostle Paul reminds us that God provides gift of everlasting life to mankind through Jesus Chris, or through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ?s? perfect human life.
But in order to have everlasting life one must exercise faith in Christ. [Read John 3:16, 36]
Do we see that "Exercising faith" calls for action on our part? James the half brother of Jesus further confirms this. Lets read his words together in James 2:24, 26. Faith and Works [action] go hand in hand.
Those approved by God come in line for everlasting life, either in heaven or on earth.
Yes, two different destinies for those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ?s ransom, there are two different classes.
How do we know which class and which destiny will be ours? We need to understand that it is Jehovah who chooses the place each dedicated and baptized one will serve.
The "Little flock" receive everlasting life in heaven. (Lu 12:32)
The number of this group is limited to 144,000 as God?s word says.
Interestingly the majority of these were gathered prior to our time; with only a remnant remaining.
The Memorial attendance last year worldwide was 15,597,746, but only 8760 partook of the emblems, which indicates that they profess the heavenly hope.
Rev 14:1 describes those of the "little flock" as bearing the name of Jehovah God and of Jesus Christ. Lets read that scripture together. (re 200) These loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. They are clearly identified. Their having Jesus? name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. Indicating that their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions. (Lu 12:32; Re 14:1)
In heaven they have a crucial role to play. They will "rule as kings over the earth". (Re 5:10)
Also as part of the Kingdom arrangement, they will channel untold blessings to obedient humans.
How do they know, or how is it determined whether an individual is of this class? God's spirit gives "little flock" personal assurance that they have heavenly hope. [Read Romans 8:16, 17]
These ones have been brought into the ?new covenant?, on basis of which spiritual Israelites are gathered.
Since Jesus referred to "new covenant" when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, only those in new covenant partake of emblems. (Lu 22:20: ?This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in YOUR behalf.)
They have also been referred to as "firstfruits to God". [Read Revelation 14:4] Firstfruits are NOT the whole crop. Therefore this expression implies that others are also in line for God's favor.
"Other sheep" will enjoy everlasting life on earth. [Read John 10:16]
This group are also highly favored by God; In fact Jehovah called them "blessed" and "my people". [Read Isaiah 65:21-23]
Members of both the heavenly and the earthly classes have reason to be grateful for kind provision of ransom.
While anointed partake of emblems, other sheep attend as respectful observers, reflecting appreciatively on ransom.
When Jesus instituted the Memorial arrangement, he explained that the bread and wine represent his body and blood, which was the perfect sacrifice.
In the scriptures, leaven is usually equated with sin, so the fact that the bread was unleavened, it fittingly represents Jesus' sinless body (lCo 5:7, 8)
Red wine pictures his blood poured out in sacrifice, which provides the basis for the new covenant and makes possible forgiveness-of sins (Mt 26:27, 28?for this means my ?blood of the covenant,? which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.)
Now, having discussed together the pattern that was set for us by Jesus Christ and why a ransom was needed, including who benefit from it, as well as understanding what the emblems represent, let us now?
Tonight we will follow the pattern Jesus set for observing the Lord's Evening Meal as we discussed at the outset. Let us take our bibles and share [Read and comment briefly on 1 Corinthians 11:23, 24]
Did you notice that Jesus offered prayer and then passed bread to 11 apostles.
We will now invite Bro. ____________________ to offer prayer and we will then pass the bread as Jesus did.
[Read and comment briefly on 1 Corinthians 11:25]
Jesus prayed and then offered wine to followers
Let us now invite Bro. ______________________to offer prayer and then the wine will be passed.
[Optional whether speaker comments while emblems are being served]
How can we show appreciation for the Memorial?
If you are not yet baptized, could you continue working toward that goal?
How??This is done by building faith by taking in knowledge, accurate knowledge. (Joh 17:3)
As your faith grows, you will find that you will have the strength to fulfill other requirements-repentance, conversion, dedication, and baptism.
Once baptized, must work to remain faithful.
Attending meetings regularly, not merely on special occasions can help us do this. (Heb 10:23-25)
Too, actively engaging in preaching work is another way that we can remain faithful. (Ac 1:8)
Both anointed and other sheep must meet same standards of conduct.
We invite all qualified ones to share in field ministry this week. In fact there will be a meeting for filed ministry tomorrow morning meeting here at the Kingdom Hall at 9:00 a.m.
As we continue to reflect on all the benefits of the Ransom sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and attending the Lord?s Evening Meal for 2003, let us continue to take in knowledge of Jehovah's purposes, and work in harmony with them.
After the original memorial celebration, the events of that night occurred rapidly. But before Jesus completed that celebration, They shared in singing praises before they left. Let us do that now by singing together Song No. 105 Hail Jehovah?s Firstborn! (Hebrews 1:6) and Closing Prayer.
[Only scriptures in bold type need be read. References: w9O 2/15 10-20; it-2 268-71; gt 114, 115]
S-31 4/00 -
THere are Three meetings per week (for me it was Tues, Thurs, Sunday).
Actually, there are 3 meeting "days" each week traditionally, buta JW in an urban setting might attend the public talk (Sunday) on a different day from the WT study (Saturday) as I saw in NYC. The service meeting and theocractic ministry school usually are not split. I have known all five meetings to be held on one day during the weekend in areas where people have to travel far distances to the KH.
But there are 5 separate meetings two of which are divided by a song.
I suppose I am being a little anal.
On my job I have 3 meetings back to back on one day. They are scheduled and considered 3 separate meetings not one.
My point is that they are concerned about people only attending the book study and the public talk. Many in my area are skipping the school and service meeting. I guess 2 hours straight is too much crap to swallow at one time.
Love, Blondie
Thanks, Quotes!
Thank you also, geevee, and welcome to JWD!