If you could give one document ....

by Taylor S. 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Sorry ... my finger slipped.

    But if you could give just one document to a die-hard dub in hopes in hopes of inserting a 'trojan' into their programming ... what would it be?

    I've made my first moves to nudge my mom toward free-thought, so far ... no dice.

  • TheEdge
    I've made my first moves to nudge my mom toward free-thought, so far ... no dice.

    What did you use TaylorS?

    Everyone has a passion and a weakness - so the ''One Document'' would depend on what that was in any individual.

  • Spook

    I'd give them a copy of my forthcoming essay (part of a book I'm writing) on comparative faith. This compares faith experiences among religions - something that Witnesses can relate powerfully to through experience in the ministry - and leads to a powerful conclusion that reason is the only basis on which to compare claims of truth in faith.

    Until this is accepted, nothing can ever be created new, only changed to a mania belief in something else since there is always another lie to cling to. After this has been accepted, any dub or fundie belief can be tackled, even the bible itself. I'm telling you, comparative faith experience is the answer.

    I'll be sure to post it here.

  • curlygirl

    Well, since most JWs won't read anything that wasn't published by the WTS-----you would have to point out the contradictions in their own literature.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Agreed that no one silver-bullet can penetrate all skulls, but if I could only pick one general purpose document...

    I'd like to see the various quotations the Watchtower has made from outside sources that are clearly taken out of context. Not the ones that are just so-so, but the really blatant ones. I see one here and there, but I haven't found a single source of them all.

    Dave of the "too busy writing silly quizzes to do anything useful like this" class

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If only one choice - and no specifics to circumstances - I would have to say the UN news release of 3-4-2001 showing that the WTS had been a part of the UN as an NGO for 10 years.... it would have been enough to dislodge my thinking some I think....


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    TheEdge: What did you use TaylorS?

    I sent this email below. Hoping to peak their curiosity to explore this site, which is cleverly disguised as one run by a dub. Old pre"New Light" literature speaks for itself.


    Hi guys ?.

    Look what I found on the net.


    the first one?s a tract from 1941!! World War II era. This site has WBTS tracts from then to the late sixties ?. With the full text too. Pretty cool. I thought you guys would get a kick out of this. The internet is such a wealth of information, what did we ever do without it? Click on the link above and it will take you to the list.

    Love ?

    Taylor S.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    That email I sent them was loaded with the most interesting old tracts I could find. That was yesterday morning and I still haven't heard anything. But they're not the most computer savvy ... I sometimes have to go over to locate their "inbox".

    My mom and aunt have been dubs all my life ... my grandmother also ,

    but she passed a few years ago. My mom is a retired, a full-time super-pioneer, listens to virtually just kingdom melodies in the car and house (and when they're not on ... she hums them) ... and she basically eats, drinks & breathes the Truth. She sacrificed her entire life for me, never wanting to put me through the stepfather hell that she went through, so she stayed single and threw herself down the maw of the Truth.

    My aunt is just as devout, if not more. (if thats even possible.) They're estranged from most of the family .... of 12 sisters and brothers. One aunt is best known for not having both oars in the water, but she's harmless. Another younger sister was baptized way back when, got df'd, now they barely speak. She calls every few years, drunk, just to cuss my mom over the phone.

    Pulling these two out would probably do more damage then doing nothing. But then again, their always the blood issue ... what if that comes into play? They're no spring chickens. Hell, I'm no spring chicken.

    I just can't do nothing. I can't. I will keep quietly goading them with tid-bits of info ... and hope.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.



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