the only things that hava changed are the piercings, tattoos, dread locks, motorcycles, fornication, smoking, drinking, debauchery, strip club adventures, naughty Catholic School Girls, and the occassional spanking.
District Overbeer
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
the only things that hava changed are the piercings, tattoos, dread locks, motorcycles, fornication, smoking, drinking, debauchery, strip club adventures, naughty Catholic School Girls, and the occassional spanking.
District Overbeer
Jeff----It IS sooooo nice for us to be able to speak our minds, esp. in regard to politics......Valis, is that all?
Yes, I've become a drug-addicted, alcoholic, demon-possessed prostitute suffering from many sexually transmitted diseases. Orrr not. *rolls eyes*
My lifestyle is different because I am free to think for myself, decide for myself, and do as I please. I am not a "bad" person. I still have never touched drugs, never smoked a cigarette (I have asthma and would never touch them even if they weren't bad for your health), never been drunk, and haven't slept with a bazillion people.
I don't have to waste vast quantities of my life going to boring meetings and trying to shove "Bible educational messages" down people's throats. I celebrate birthdays and holidays. I go to bars and pubs if I feel like it (although we don't much anymore coz we're homebodies). I use "bad" language sometimes.
But the major lifestyle change?
I'm happy and I truly love people, not just the ones who toe the line set down by some old guys in New York who claim that God talks to them.
min.ehehe I forgot...I'm also a godfather, an ordained minister of the ULC, a Dirty Vicar MC member, and I did the second reading for Easter Service at a really pretty old Episcopalian church in Baltimore.
District Overbeer
So much better! No feeling of Big Brother constantly looking over our shoulders. We watch the movies we want, spend weekends destressing instead of being stressed with neverending JW obligations. I got a couple of tattoos, we spend our evenings doing whatever we want and reading things we enjoy instead of "Bible Aids". We celebrate important occasions like birthdays and mother/father's day, etc. We choose people we like as friends instead of having JW "friends" forced on us. Some of those people were really certifiably NUTS!
I could go on and on. (I hear a collective sigh of relief out there)!
Cathy L.
P.S. And I feel no guilt whatsoever for participating in "pagan" and "worldly" activities. I would feel more guilt going back to the "vomit" of the Watchtower Org.
If you leave the truth, you're gonna wind up in the gutter.
Yeah minimus...and I'm gonna be on the next cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Cathy L.
I am at peace. My life now is good, but it was good in the org too, except I was never at peace with myself or the teachings. I'm married to a great guy(non-jw), have a new house, drive new cars, have a job I Iove and am at peace. Theres no longer the constant fear of Armageddon, having others from the hall cut you up to make themselves feel better, and no pressure to do anything I don't want to do. I no longer have to look for the bad in people, but choose to see the good in others and myself. It is a much more peaceful existance than before and I am grateful to finally be at peace.
mines a lot more laid back than it used to be. spending time doing the things i want to do and enjoy without feeling any guilt about it.
Totally...but the difference mirror all of those stated above, except of course being a drug taking pimp, or of course getting on the front page of Sports Illustrated....not that i have even read it or know what it contains...just thought it sounded good.