I was in a deposition today and one of the parties told us about her friend who was a heavy user of soft drinks. For years she drank around five to seven a day. She had been having bone pain and went to the doctor and was told "Your bones have the consistency of lace. They are the bones of an 80 year old. This has been caused by your soft drink habit. Stop it immediately." This woman's health is in serious jeopardy and she is barely 40 years old. She is on medication but has massive damage she will not recover completely from. All from heavy use of soft drinks.
I share this with you because in the past I had a Diet Coke addiction which I never assumed was healthy, but never as damaging as the story related to me above.
The reason soft drinks can cause bone damage is as one website describes:
One of these chemical additives, phosphoric acid, is added to many kinds of soda pop to help keep the carbonated bubbles from going flat. Because good health depends upon our bodies being able to maintain a one-to-one balance between calcium and phosphorus in our systems, calcium is released from our teeth and bones into our bloodstreams to help balance the phosphoric acid in the pop we drink. Eventually the phosphoric acid is secreted, taking with it the released calcium. Thus, a habit of soft drink consumption actually robs our bodies of calcium, leading to a condition known as osteoporosis--soft teeth and weak bones.