"Furthermore, the remnant of spiritual Israel had for decades ... been looking forward to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles in the autumn of 1914. They were expecting God's Messianic Kingdom to be fully established in the heavens by then and also for the remnant of spiritual Israel to be glorified with Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom at that time. All understanding of the Holy Scriptures was slanted in that direction or adjusted to that idea." Man's Salvation Out Of World Distress At Hand, 1975, P.136. That is such an excellent example of one of the problems with the society.....Thanks so much for jogging the memmory!!
WTS admits slanting scriptures
by Bluegrass Tom 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sheesh! That says it all! And the WTS calls us Apostates! Isn't that kind of the "pot calling the kettle black" ...?
All understanding of the Holy Scriptures was slanted in that direction or adjusted to that idea." Man's Salvation Out Of World Distress At Hand, 1975, P.136.
Bluegrass Tom,
That was an interesting find. It is amazing how many times they shoot themselves in the foot with these little quotes.
I used to have that book but I have to confess that when I quit "the lie"? I had a little bit of a book burning party
Yep...That's the word(Maybe "propagandist"?)
Slanted then, still slanting.
It's too bad they didn't have sisters as the FDS because anytime a prophecy went out the window or wrong they can rely on the their favorite excuse, "Its a women's perogrative!" (pun intended)