Does anyone know if there are JW in Saudi Arabia or the U.A.E.?
by truth_about_the_truth 12 Replies latest jw friends
I would say no, since the JWs shy away from persecution when it comes to martyrdom, which is the punishment in Saudi Arabia, at least, for propagating Christianity.
If they are there they will be underground.
I have been to the UAE and a couple of other middle eastern countries and chrisianity is against the law to promot in most if not all of them.
I just checked
and could not find either Saudi Arabia or UAE listed. However, it might be among the 29 "Other Lands" listed at the end. I suppose these are countries where JWs are outlawed and the Society doesn't want each of these countries to know the exact numbers of incognito Witnesses in their midst.
There are thousands of Christrian Arabs in Saudia Arabia. I used to work on statistical information when I lived in Israel and Christianity was legal in SA although proseltyzing was definately constrained.
There are thousands of Christrian Arabs in Saudia Arabia. I used to work on statistical information when I lived in Israel and Christianity was legal in SA although proseltyzing was definately constrained.
Were those ancestors of Christians living in that area before Islam started? I know that's why there are Christians in Iraq.
Thanks guys! I appreciate it!
My Mum lives in Dubai most of the time and goes to the meetings there. They only have 3 meetings a week, all in someones house. They are allowed to informal witness to any non-muslim people there. Actually seemed a nice way of doing thing, because the congregation was just people who lived there for business it didnt seem to have the same attitude about people missing meetings.
Proselytzing is against the law under the Koran, I believe.
Women going door to door would be another issue.
Women witnessing to men would be another.
Most JWs in such countries are female spouses of non-JW men working for a outside company. They ususally have little parties where the women eat in the kitchen with the women and the men talk out in the living room. That means few men are ever contacted even informally.
My comments above are not set in stone but are points I have gleaned from talking to Muslims in my area and how JWs are viewed and dealt with in their countries.
Blondie what you say is true, but you have to realise that in Dubai about 95% of the population is non-native and so while those rules are true for the muslims they are not so strict with foriegners. It has been known for some muslims to drink out there.