by badboy 12 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know the whole story. There was a dispute over who owned the hall and accusations of apostasy.
I also heard rumors about bugging and surveillance of elder's meetings there.
fleaman uk
Whose Bonham??
It's a town in Texas in which a legal battle took place over who owned a Kingdom Hall. There was some sort of breakup
in the congregation and 'apostates' claimed the hall. The Society claimed in court, that elders are a 'hierarchy' - so it was one
of those hypocritical situations where they deny that elders are actually clergy - except , of course, where money is involved.
I think the dissident group ended up with the hall.
If that's true it's funny.
Ah the irony! "We're not clergy!.... we are clergy... are not...are so... not .... are... not... are"
u/d (of the can't have it both ways class)
AK - Jeff
That seems significant to me. Have other halls ended up in hands outside the organization? If I understand the legals here, most halls are set up with local administration, but legal ownership is held by the WTS or one of the corporations.
I always thought that is wrong, since the local cong pays for the place. Kinda like selling a house to someone who will hand over the title when it is payed for.
One for the little guys!
I remember that well. Of course all the info I have has been filtered from the elders and nothing really too official was ever announced from the platforms. The apostates got the hall. And the WTS built a huge and very nice KH for the Cong of Bonham (which was really falling apart ). lots of people were DF and many just stopped going to the KH . The info was very hush hush and u had to know someone to find out anything at all.
So I suppose they are now called the Bonhamites?
And I thought it wa John Bonham from Led Zep...
wednesday, don't you mean the WTS built them a new stairway to heaven?