Would You Stay As A Witness, Even Though You Knew It Wasn't "The Truth"?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • MonkeyPrincess

    i did stay for a long time even when i started having doubts. then when i started researching i knew
    i could never go back again, and i didnt. this was HUGE to me since i knew it would be at the cost
    of my sisters, mom & dad. and as much as i miss them dearly, i could not live a lie.

    I was discussing this with my husband this morning about my parents. If they ever knew the real
    'truth' they would stay just to save face. they are way to proud to admit they could be wrong, it will
    be the end of the world for them. sad really!


  • Poztate
    But I figure it is like straddling a picket fence that keeps getting taller every day. Eventually, you have to pick one side or the other.


    Very true comment. Sitting on that picket fence can hurt you too In the end you do have to choose. The hardest decision is if you have friends and relatives still in the truth? A natural thing is to balance their "needs" against your needs. With my case my needs won out and it hurt a number of people when I made my decision to get out. I do not regret my decision but I can understand why some may wish to stay in based on family and friends. I am neither DA'ed or DF'ed but I might as well be to some people.

    I know some "heavies" and the only reason they stay R&F is because of finances!

    They have no marketable skills or real education (Awake reading don't count in the real world). It's scary to be 40 or 50 or older and be all on your own with nothing and nowhere to go in the big old evil "world" that you're convinced is full of deemunz outta getcha!

    I know a few "heavies" myself and they are in their 50's.They have never had a REAL JOB in their life and no skills except high school and the "awake" education.They are taken care of and although they don't lead a affluent lifestyle they don't have to wonder where their next meal is coming from.

    I also know that some rich brothers in the congregations have slipped money at them to have "treats" such as mexican holidays. If people like these left"the truth" they would be on welfare or having a poor job to live on.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    No - had to leave when it became obvious. Min, you stated the reasons;

    Reason #1

    When a Witness starts THINKING, there comes a time when decisions have to be made.

    Reason #2

    When you KNOW that their Bible chronolgy is unsupported

    Reason #3

    or that the Revelation Climax Book is absurd, it begins the process of 'what are you going to do now?

    Reason #4

    What could get you motivated is the realization that "love" is not the hallmark of this Organization.

    Reason #5

    Or that the imperfect men that run things have no more divine guidance than you do.
  • minimus

    pretty good, huh Jeff?

  • Dragonlady76

    I personally could never live a lie.

    But unfortunatly there are some that have had to make a sacrifice and stay a JW. Everyone has a diffirent situation and we should not bash others for having to make such a difficult choice. I believe that it's just a matter of time in many of these cases anyway. I am thankful to not be in a position like this, but I know others that have, and I try to sympathize with them.


  • Golf

    And live a lie?


  • Honesty

    I wanted to just fade away into oblivion and that would have been it for me and the borg, but.... the borg just couldn't let a 'zealous for the truth' brother get discouraged alone so they had to send the elders and even the CO's around to encourage me with 'upbuilding' spiritual conversation which I really didn't want or appreciate by then even though I was very nice because these were my friends especially one CO that had a lot of the same interests and hobbies. Then, when all the pieces of the puzzle fell in place it was either get out fast or live the lie and die inside. Being honest with myself and realising most of all that I, no matter the cost, want to serve God and worship Christ helped me make the decision.

  • jeanniebeanz
  • rwagoner

    I couldn't do it....not even when the elders came to my house and told me to take my DA letter back. Said it would be easier for my family still in.

    So I asked them...."You want me to live a lie ? You've read my letter...you know that I don't believe any more. Don't you think that making it easier is the wrong reason for me to stay ?"

    I understand why some choose to fade....and I know this will sound like I'm a jerk, maybe I am....but Freedom isn't Free, to steal an old saying.

    I don't hide my christmas tree behind pulled shades, my flag flies on my front porch, I don't screen my calls everytime there is a push to "round up the lost sheep".

    I am Free, truly free to think and act as I please. I don't live in fear of being found out or making one slip up that blows my cover.

    Does it cost me...YOU BET....my family and the only friends I knew, at the time, shun me...their choice not mine. I don't shun them in fact I go out of my way to be "in your face" and if it makes them uncomfortable...GOOD and if it makes them think...EVEN BETTER.

    I don't mean to judge and I truly do know why some choose to fade....It just seems like it is asking for the best of both worlds...quasi-freedom and without paying the price of that freedom.

    I couldn't stay in and live a lie...just not in my nature.

  • minimus

    Rwagoner----you're a bad, bad man, now.

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