New Procedures for handling Abusers

by JEMIMAH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    My wife is taking legal action here in Western Canada against her elder stepfather who molested her for years and then prayed. Years later and she's still not right. Any information like this is appreciated as well as be any advice on this type of thing in court (Alberta to be specific).

    PS Your the asshole God Rules. (Sorry Maximus - lost my religion)

  • TR

    Hi Jemimah,

    I would grateful if you emailed me the letters and the manuscript.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Disengaged

    Hi Jemimah

    I'd like to have them as well.

    Thank You

    FEELIN BEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • uncle_onion

    Ill have some of that as well please.


    .... [email protected]

  • Prisca

    And I'll have a quarter pounder with fries, thanks.. oops, wrong forum...

    Actually, Jemimah, I heartily thank you for your courage to share what would normally be considered "confidential" and only privvy to those who, more often than not, "lord it over the flock".

    You, sir, are not one of those. Thank you!

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