In our congregation, if a couple admitted to fornication, they were put on probation. After they were married the probation was lifted. I think that that was a good solution.
Then and now - dating practices
by larc 12 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Crumpet! Sometimes it's difficult to not look back on what we missed out on. Too painful for the loss of all those lovely innocent memories.
Hubby and self have been together since childhood. And we have those memories. I'm so glad that we do. But, though technically we were innocent when we married, we'd found out that just holding hands could be not far off 'wild sex'! In a way, all those restrictions about what you're allowed to do, or not allowed to do, prying eyes on your conduct can make you wildly immaginative! I wouldn't like to have missed out on that either!
But my poor cousin and fiance were dragged into the back room by the PO and warned that she was not even allowed to sit in the front passenger seat next to her fiance because she was setting a bad example to all the other witness sitting next to him!!!! They were warned if they ever indulged in this conduct again, the PO would make sure that the fiance NEVER received any priviliges and would never become a MS or Elder!
I like the way you look at the positive side Gill and it must be lovely to have those memories to treasure, as the bible says, with the [husband] of your youth. Makes me feel all warm inside!