Another "ghostly" experience last night!

by cindykp 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    Cindy, try to look at the incident logically first.


    When I was married (wifey and daughter are JWs) - I was out in my shop working on the computer. The wife and daughter came out there - and spoke to me... they were both pale.

    They related to me that when my daughter was walking down the hall and entered her darkened room, a man spoke to her in a low voice saying "Come here, b****!"

    Well, she got spooked and got the wife. Neither of them wanted to go into the room - thinking 'demons'... and came out to get me.

    Okay... I'll tell ya... I too was a bit spooked - hearing this... but knew I had to be 'the man'. *rolls eyes*

    Anyway - they were almost pushing me to go down the hall - enter her room - and rout out this stranger that had somehow gotten in her room.

    I turned on the light - first thing - and of course - there was nothing - or no one in her room.

    We all went to the living room to sit and talk about it.

    Of course... them being JWs are already going down the list of things that might have 'demons' attached...

    I - meanwhile - start asking my daughter questions... Did you have the stereo on? No. ... etc.

    Well, after a bit of thinking... I remembered how CB radios used to 'punch through' and come across the speakers at several kingdom halls... broadcasting to unsuspecting JWs in the audience.

    After relating this... they admitted that there was a friend of the neighbors' that had a CB radio and would come over and park in front of his house and talk on his mobile CB radio... which had, no doubt - a linear amplifier - to boost his signal (illegally).

    After everyone calmed down a bit... we all realized that this fella's CB radio had broadcast through my daughter's stereo speakers - even though she didn't even have it turned on. (CB's will do that - especially if boosted illegally...)

    Sooooo... no demons... no bad man hiding in her room... it could be logically explained.

    This is why I am saying... think about it for a bit. I know it sounds like something supernatural... but try to reason through andsee if you can explain it some other way.


    Jim TX

  • kwintestal
    I dont know what to say about the ghost but, I think your pants need to be fastened.

    LMAO! I noticed that too! Now Cindy, ever think that the goats just wanted to get a copy of a pic of you flashing your undies?


  • exjwshell

    Hi Cindy

    Although it may or may not have been your grandfather that made the cup shake, your grandfather is obviously around you. If the thought of him popped into your head...he's making his presence known to you.

    It took me a long time to get past the "demon" issue I was taught. I am now really open to many different things and possibilities. If I were you I would simply ask your grandfather if he's around you (which I'm sure he is) and see what kind of response you get. If your too scared to try this, he will sense that and leave you alone.


  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Ok, Carmel, I have not made any comments to you yet. You seem to alway's come and bash me in all my threads!

    Hehe - beware starting threads like this one my friend. I have tried in the past, believe me. The skeptic loves to wade in with glances of incredulous snobbery.

    I have a friend who has had these experiences throughout his life and I have been happy to listen with an open heart and mind to his experiences.

    There is no way that we can say for sure whether you have a spirit in your house, but I'm still willing to take a leap of faith.

  • cindykp

    Hey all

    You know usually I do try to think of some normal explanation for stuff like this. At first I just figured it was cause she was leaning against the counter. So I went in there and shook it with all my might, nothing budged. (there are no trains) If she had bumped it a little, yes I could see that happening. But she said she was no where near it. Who knows. Two of my kids swear they hear the back door open and close alot too. But when they go look, no one is there. I've only heard it one time. Cant mistake that sound, cause the door makes a loud squeaking noise when you open it. Who knows! If I could think of good reasoning for things like this, I would much rather believe that, than having ghosts in my house. That just doesnt sit to well with me.

    And about the comment about my grandpa playing with the toothpaste, maybe he wanted to brush his teeth before the funeral!

  • gumby

    Here's what I would do. Keep a loaded 12 guage in the bathroom. Next time the glass vase starts to even jiggle.......blast the son-of-a-bitch! If it's won't hurt him anyways cuz he's invisible.


  • cindykp
  • rem

    Another possible explanation: A thin film of water may have gotten under the (probably already unstable) jar. Any slight disturbance (toothbrushing frequency) can cause the jar to slip and move on it's own. This happened to me at a Thai restaurant the other day. My tea cup just started moving all over the table all by itself. It was a bit unnerving, until I saw that the table was still wet from being cleaned and I was able to reproduce the effect by lightly pushing the teacup again. Sorry, no ghosts! :) rem

  • Crumpet

    Something ghostly happened in our house yesterday. All our radio's are set to Radio 4 (please do not groan you brits on the board!). Well yesterday morning my b/f's alarm went off and the channel had been changed to BBC London and he thought I had done it. I went down to the kitchen and the kicthen radio station had been changed too! No one else had been in the house - neither of us had done it. Who's reaction was the most rational - the ex JW with the overactive imagination (me)? or the super logical rational scientific never religiously infected Mr Crumpet?

    Me! He immediately panicked that someone could have gotten in the house - until I pointed out it was just unlikely that someone would break in - leave no evidence of doing so and just change the radio stations.

    So who has an explanation? Do I call in the Psychic Camera Crew in from Most Haunted? or is there a scientific explanation?

  • xjw_b12

    Cindy. Can you take another picture, but first polish up the mirror, then put on a pair of thongs? And I don't mean for the footsies.

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