Seeing as it's Friday I thought I would ask a drinking question, which of these 2 would you go for or if not these what else??
An ice cold MGD (Miller Genuine Draft) or a chilled Bud?
Me? Well I would choose an MGD.
by brutusmaximus 13 Replies latest jw friends
Seeing as it's Friday I thought I would ask a drinking question, which of these 2 would you go for or if not these what else??
An ice cold MGD (Miller Genuine Draft) or a chilled Bud?
Me? Well I would choose an MGD.
lesser of the two evils definately MGD
Good call, I think it has a a more rounded flavour to it and a bit less gassy.
BM of the burping class
ugh, neither, give me a microbrew
My kinda question ....
I skip the beer and go straight for the hard stuff .... current fav ... Bacardi Vanil & Coke.
Or if I've had a particularly trying day ... Tequila shots all around .... then the drinking starts .....
Hmm.. I probably wouldn't go for either really. I'm quite partial to Grolsch at the moment. I'm not a real ale freak but my fave tipple at the mo' is Timothy Taylor's Landlord ale, it's ruddy gorgeous.
I can't stand beer but prefer any mixed drinks. Something w/hard liquor and not fruity.
A glass of nicely chilled, semi-sweet, fruity wine or a fruity mixed drink either iced or frozen.
Neither, I don't drink. But thanks!
I love this new mix called Ciclone, its part tequila part rum - awesome!