Lucid dreams and OBE

by IP_SEC 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Crumpet's post prompted me to go ahead and post something I've wanted to talk about for some time now.

    Has anyone here had Lucid dreams or OoBEs? I've started focusing on remembering my dreams and keeping a dream journal for about 6 months now and have had some groovy experinces.

    I think LDs and Oobes are related but in an LD you become aware that you're dreaming and can gain varying levels of awareness and are able to completely control your environment. Oobes are the same but you actually feel yourself seperate from your body. The last full blown Oobe I had was in Dec but it was awesome.

    The really cool thing is that you feel completely awake, aware, and conscious, you cant tell you are really asleep, except by the fact that you can do anything you want. I've had some LDs that I thought I woke up and was getting the coffee ready only to wake up and realize it was a dream. It was that real. Here is an excerpt from my dream journal.

    I went to bed? and started my meditation exercises but I was too tired and started falling asleep. So I roused myself, flipped over on my belly and went to sleep. But before going to sleep I told myself, ?at 1am I am going to realize I?m asleep but only my brain is going to wake up.?

    Well I become aware of being awake but everything is pitch black? my room is well lit from the street.. never pitch black. So I said, and yes these were the words ?Hmmp well, you know what, this is it, I think I?m asleep. I?m gonna try it.? I started imagining that I was floating up, I felt myself start to move upward, as soon as my "eyes" cleared the back of my head I could see, before you know it im standing at the foot of my bed looking at my sprawled out body. I walked around the house and my wife was doing the same. I touched her on the face and she only partly seemed to feel it. So then I decide ?well I always said if I get out im going to a place on the river where I grew up? So I did. And the details of it all. When I first got there my eyes were closed but something hit my nose. My eyes open an a cow was walking by. Her tail hit me in the nose. So anyhooo next I decided to go for a swim and try the whole breathing under water? works. Then I found myself slipping so I tried spinning, which brought me back to my house but in the attic. From there somehow I could see all the houses on the block.. oh ya and I was wet too from the swim. My fingers were even starting to shrivel from the water. It was getting daylight.. even though it?s the middle of the night here. Then I just woke up and pondered what just happen? yes it seemed like it all really just happened..

    Now heres the thing? I looked over at the clock and it was 1:09 and it seemed like I was out for about 10 mins.

    Anyone else have these types of experiences?

  • FMZ

    IP_SEC... I studied OBEs and lucid dreaming for some time a while back. I have lucid dreams once in a while, but have never had an OBE apart from one near death experience. These topics are much bigger than they appear to be ;). You'll find that when you start delving into shared dreams.


  • IP_SEC

    Yes shared dreams are interesting too, there are whole online communities based on helping ppl hook up in dream land. I have know (online) people who claim to be able to do this.

  • FMZ

    IP, let me know how things progress on this front mate, and keep your mind open, wiiide open. It will really help you not only learn new things, but experience them too.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Exciting topic!

    I've had OBEs since childhood and a few LDs here and there. Have always been intrigued by the idea of having a shared dream but never experienced it.

    There have been times when my OBEs quite scared me and other times when they were lots of fun.


  • Pleasuredome

    i'm very interested in this topic as its something i'm going to have a go at in the next few months. at the moment i'm working on meditation as i find it a little difficult at the moment. i used to have lucid dreams when i was in my early teenage years. i suddenly realised that i could control them which seemed really great, but i soon forgot that i could control them, and havent done it since. i'm aiming to program my mind to help me to do this again. keep posting your experiences IP_SEC

  • IP_SEC

    Thanks guys,

    I still feel like I need to get better at LD before moving on to shared dreams, but I'll let you know how it comes. Merry :) for some reason I thought you might be interested in this from your avatar :) cool one by the way.

    Pleasuredome, dont get discouraged with your meditation problems. Our western minds are too full of the past and future. It takes a lot of work for us to be completely in the present, but if I can do it anyone can.

    This is something I wish everyone could experience as it was very transformative for me. Once you get a taste of it... its hard not to want more.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Thanks for the compliment, IP_SEC I look forward to hearing more about your experiences in this realm of exploration.

    Another thing that I think is along this same line of experience, that I tend to engage in more than standard yogic-type meditations, is shamanic journeying. Anybody else?


  • FMZ

    Merry, I've always meant to ask you, where do I know that pic from?


  • MerryMagdalene

    FMZ----my avatar is a Brian Froud faerie, the Green Woman. I love her and I think we look quite a bit alike, so she seemed a natural choice


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