Do you think that the government should be involved at all, or should this be a parental/individual decision?
What do you think should be the legal minimum age for drinking?
by jeanniebeanz 25 Replies latest jw friends
In bars......18
at home....16
At home, day one, as long a mommy supervises.
EZ3, of the Never Weaned class
Should be as it is in France, kids start drinking wine mixed with water at age 6. I don't think that would work here though, too many idiots.
The Government shouldn't be our childs babysitters or rule for moral guidance on this issue, parents however need to held responsible for the things that their children do, or don't do regarding alcohol, firearms, driving priveleges and the like.
Age should be at the discretion of the parent, however as was stated earlier, some parents are buttheads and shouldn't even be allowed to procreate. Geeze, do I sound angry? Statiscally speaking, I say 18, if your old enough to vote and die for your country, no one in their right mind has any reason to keep you from taking a drink!!!
To purchase alcohol--at least wine and beer--I would say no older than 18, probably younger.
To drink alcohol purchased by an adult, I don't think there should be any restrictions. Let kids be introduced to alcohol by adults, instead of by other kids, and my bet is they will be more responsible drinkers.
Can vote at 18...can die protecting our country at 18....ought to be able to buy a beer at 18.
When I was growing up the drinking age in my State was 18...changed shortly thereafter to 21. I really think it should go back.
ezek, you beat me to it! That was going to be my line....
I grew up in Belgium where there is no such thing as a 'drinking age'. They sell beers with low alcohol contents, which many parents give to their children during dinner, as beer is said to help the digestion. Such beer is called 'table beer', because one usually drinks it 'at the table'. Some people use alcohol, and some abuse it, but it has nothing to do with being allowed to consume alcohol at an early age or not. Remembering too many drunk related fatal accidents involving teenagers, I'd have to say that drawing a line is not a bad thing. Young people don't have a lot of driving experience yet. Mix that with some alcohol and you could have a fatal recipe. If it was up to me, I would allow kids to drink at home at any age (as long as they don't have to drive somewhere afterwards), and keep the 21 age limit for bars and all public places.