I have had this nickname online for over five years. When I signed up at this discussion board I really was looking for fellow JW believers, looking for some new freinds. What I found was something so much better. I became very scared to keep my nic as purplesofa as so many know me online as that and even in person I get called purple, purps, sofa.......
I have a purple leather sofa from Italy. I ordered it and waited for 6 months for it to arrive to the US. At the time it was very expensive and bringing myself out of welfare, no formal education (I became a buyer for a furniture store, and some of my design work was recognized at the International Furniture Market, and some other forms of recognition that was cool at the time.) It is quite old now but at the time it was a huge statement, symbolic of so much.
I gave up a very lucrative satisfying career to be a witness. I gave up my God-given talent, to be accepted by a handful of people on this planet. I gave up someone I dearly loved, without an explanation as to my bowing out. He never knew about my JW religion and the torment I kept inside being disfellowshipped. I will never forget one of the last things he said to me,
"I'm confused."
Everyone has something that this religion has tricked them about. My only explanation is Satan is very clever at deceiving. The pingponging in my head is exhaustive right now.
I am on Chapter 4 of the CoC book. My stomach turns and my head hurts.
I am not ashamed of who I am or my presence here at this site. If anyone I know comes here I would be shocked, and if they get far enough into the site to find me then we probably got some talking to do.
I am sorry for any confusion as I will no longer be using Thinking as a nickname here. This seems so dramatic but under the circumstances.......I think I will be grieving alot of my life as a JW for a period of time. I do not wish to be grieving who I am on top of that.
So this is me on the world wide web......purplesofa. When I would the nick Thinking it is just not me. I mean it is but .......you get the drift!
Greetings to all.
Since you all gave me a nice warm greeting already. It's not really necessary to do it again. I am gonna be around.
this book is fascinating........ciao
by purplesofa 46 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome purplesofa! You'll learn a lot here and make some friends. Hope you're visit is good.
I know a photographer here in Dallas that goes by Purple. Seriously, I think her real name is Raina. LOL
Purple Sofa----Beautifully brave! Way to be true to yourself <enthusiastic applause>
New Worldly Translation
Hey purplesofa! I like the new nick and I was moved by the story behind it.
I did like your old avatar though with the bunny rabbits. I look forward to seeing what your new one will be.
I am on Chapter 4 of the CoC book. My stomach turns and my head hurts.
awww, I remember going through that too :( it does get easier with time, one day you will read it again you will be free of all the headaches this religion causes. You will enjoy it a lot more themThx for sharing
I tried to post a new avatar but its not showing for me.
Can anyone else see it? -
I am not ashamed of who I am or my presence here at this site. If anyone I know comes here I would be shocked, and if they get far enough into the site to find me then we probably got some talking to do.
This is exactly how I feel as well! Well said!
Hey I bought a set of sofa and love seat from Italy too, only the leather was died a weird green. Guess I'll change to "Coucheverde"
Glad you are in chaos. It's a necessary step to a new paradigm. I'm reading a book written by an anthropologist in which he says its easier to "learn new things than to un-learn old things". Part of JWs problems who have doubts about the FDS are do indoctrinated down to the emotional core, that giving up some old ideas is very traumatic.
Wishin you the best.
Glad you are in chaos
Gee thanks!!!! -
welcome purplesofa!!