This board has some wonderful additions here. In the last year, we've seen people that are so well versed in everything--from Bible research to Watchtower history and literature, politics, science, geneaology-----you name it! I'm proud to be here with all of you! Every day I learn from you folks!!!!............THANKS!!!
WOW!......There's A Lot Of Intelligent "Apostates" Here!!!
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
I hate to break in on your thread buddy to tell you this........but someone here just said you were a fat balding man with bad teeth who eats M&M's. It was a girl.....but that's all I'm sayin.
That's why we are "Apostates".
You are a great teacher, yourself even if you do make a lot of noise.
Not so sure...Have you read this. I can see it takes a quick mind for some of the questions...Easy enough thread, but I have not posted. I am afraid of lowering the collective intelligence.
Yeah, I saw that Gumby....She's a dumb apostate.
I never knew Gumby was female
In the voice of Robert Deniro, "You talking to me?"
ok, now for a serious reply, hope it doesn't ruin the thread :)
I think the presence of these intelligent people here is all the vindication Simon needs
I never knew Gumby was female
Actually he's a little.. um.. "ambiguous". I think that's why he never really made it as a Witness. Dave of the "lowering the collective intelligence" class